
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Valentina Usenik

Together there are 82 keywords, that are appearing 157 times.
28 of them (34.15 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 103 times (65.61 % of all appearances).

6x5.83%Prunus avium
5x4.85%kakovost plodov, sliva
4x3.88%češnje, podlage
3x2.91%Bela krajina, sadne rastline, rastlinske sorte, redčenje, Kordia
2x1.94%rodnost, rast, suha snov, plodovi, češnja, Regina, Prunus domestica L., sadno drevje, jablana, Gisela 5, pomološke lastnosti, barva, obhišni vrt, sadovnjak, sadne vrste
1xElstar, Malus domestica Borkh., potaknjenci, kemično redčenje, stanje, Hoče-Slivnica, velikost, zrelost, Škocjan, teža, trdota, anketa, živalske vrste, oljka, cvetenje, travniški sadovnjaki, fenofaze, Lapins, površina listov, rez, razmnoževanje rastlin, sadovnjaki, Olea europea, živali, stare sorte, razvoj, rootstocks, foliarno gnojenje, breskve, foliarna prehrana, prehrana rastlin, ekološka pridelava, integrirana pridelava, odporne vrste, antociani, fenolne kisline, sekundarni metaboliti, odpornost rastlin, Brkini, obarvanost plodov, zorenje plodov, flavonoli, seedlings, yields, okrasne rastline, drevesnice, sweet cherries, fruit-culture, masa, Prunus persica L., Prunus domestica, meglenje, sejanec češnje, vrtovi