
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Mojca Krevel

Together there are 121 keywords, that are appearing 130 times.
9 of them (7.44 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 18 times (13.85 % of all appearances).

2x11.11%ekofeminizem, ekokritika, Virginia Woolf, Ruth Ozeki, film, ameriška književnost, feminizem, sexuality, gotski roman
1xloss, Tolkien, mourning, author-reader relationship, grief, grief reactions, resilient survivors, sodobni ameriški roman, simulaker, postkolonialna ekokritika, suicide, depression, theme, form, metafictional elements, The Divine Ryans, pošasti, American novel, adaptation, contemporary, Catholics, humour, flash fiction, social media, complex relationship, cinematic portrayal, homosexuality, hiperrealnost, ljubezen, politika, (avto)biografija, seksizem, podreprezentiranost, Anne Boleyn, samorefleksija, literatura in politika, New York, magistrska dela, 11. september 2001, terorizem, ameriški roman, Henrik VIII., Thomas More, postmoderno, Sherlock Holmes, pravljice, srečno do konca svojih dni, tisti/tista (pravi/prava), adaptacija, vplivi, Byronski junak, Hilary Mantel, gotski zlobnež, spremembe, interpretacija, metafiction, The Last September, Njeno življenje, The Voyage Out, Zofka Kveder, Bertrand Westphal, Barbara Piatti, metafikcija, medbesedilnost, Jeanette Winterson, video games, gotika, Anthony Doerr, sodobni roman, analiza, geokriticizem, Vernon Lee, Viktorijanska doba, Oscar Wilde, ameriška poezija, Slika Doriana Graya, Adrienne Rich, slovenščina, družbeni prostor, literarna geografija, dogajalni prostor, angleška književnost, angleščina, transmedial narratology, narration, reprezentacija, ženske, fenovska literatura, družbeni spol, androginost, LGBTQ, Harry Potter, Elizabeth Bowen, To the Lighthouse, lesbian literature, kvir teorija, gender, spolna identiteta, Octavia Butler, fictional world, intertextuality, mythology, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, narrative techniques, metatextuality, Shakespeare, Ursula K. Le Guin, Marge Piercy, znanstvena fantastika, teorija pošasti, musical, Oke of Okehurst