
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Matija Milanič

Together there are 61 keywords, that are appearing 65 times.
4 of them (6.56 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 8 times (12.31 % of all appearances).

2x25%Monte Carlo, hiperspektralno slikanje, peritonitis, HSI
1xartritis, diagnostika, LED iluminacija, svetleče diode, fiziološke lastnosti, modeliranje transporta svetlobe, model interakcij svetlobe s tkivom, biomarkers, vnetje trebušne stene, Python, Arrhenius, Adding-Doubling, RGB, CEM43, spektrometer, Abbejev refraktometer, tkiva, popolni odboj, lomni količnik, toplotna poškodba, mrežni model, poškodba tkiva, poškodba celic, epilacija dlak, numerična simulacija, toplotni transport, termalna dozimetrija, Monte Carlo transport, bruise characterization, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, bruise age estimation, toplotna prevodnost, DSC, toplotna kapaciteta, pulsed photothermal radiometry, tkivna optika, ožilje, LSCI, tumor, angiogeneza, slikanje, optične lastnosti, FTIR, hyperspectral imaging, Spectroscopy, microscopy, biomedical optics, segmentacija, light scattering, angiografija, biološka tkiva, tkivni fantom, PPTR, SiliGlass, optična koherenčna tomografija, tkivni fantomi, tissue phantoms