
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Borut Paul Kerševan

Together there are 56 keywords, that are appearing 72 times.
10 of them (17.86 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 26 times (36.11 % of all appearances).

3x11.54%LHC Run 2, neural networks, CERN, machine learning
2x7.69%same-charge leptons, strojno učenje, two jets, left-right symmetry, boosted decision trees
1xATLAS detektor, missing transverse energy, seesaw model, Higgs: charge 2, dilepton, PDF negotovost, normalizacijski tokovi, seesaw mechanism, type-III seesaw, fermion triplet, neutrino: right-handed, CERN LHC, 13 TeV, Sipanje vektorskih bozonov, hitra detektorska simulacija, standardni model, variacijski avtoenkoderji, meritev polarizacije bozona $W$, MAOS algoritem, Higgs: pair production, neutrino: heavy, Monte-Carlo generatorji, sledi delcev, missing transverse momentum, type-II seesaw, Zee-Babu model, doubly charged Higgs, BSM scalar resonance, classification problem, Higgs pair production, single-lepton, Higgs self-interaction, two b-jets, lepton flavour violation, regresija z Gaussovimi procesi, dipol, fizika osnovnih delcev, LHC, Monte Carlo simulacije, rekonstrukcija, detektorji delcev, osnovni delci, ekstrapolacija, regresija, magnetno polje, generativno modeliranje