
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Dragan Mihailović

Together there are 87 keywords, that are appearing 101 times.
11 of them (12.64 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 25 times (24.75 % of all appearances).

3x12%scanning tunnelling microscopy
2x8%skrita stanja, polaroni, 1T-TaS2, fizika trdne snovi, polytype transformation, transition metal dichalcogenides, charge density wave, charge density waves, photoinduced phase transitions
1xatomic force microscopy, polymer solar cells, phase changes, collective effects, kvazidvodimenzionalni kristali, optical spectroscopy, valovi gostote naboja, hidden state, scanning tunneling microscopy, CdMnTe, Pockelsov pojav, efficiency, metastabilno skrito stanje, photoinduced phase transition, pikosekundni električni sunek, molybdenum oxides, UV-VIS spectroscopy, hidden states, quantum states, electron transport, phase-slip effect, strongly correlated electron systems, optika, polarizacija svetlobe, elipsometrija, optični inštrumenti, superconductivity, inorganic nanowires, photocurrent imaging, differential scanning calorimetry, Raman spectroscopy, metastable phases, tantalov disulfid, spominski elementi, fotoinducirani fazni prehodi, ultrahitra spektroskopija, nanowires, relaksacija metastabilnega stanja, 4Hb-TaSe2, 1T-NbSe2, 2H-NbSe2, memory device, electrical switching, Kvantno tuneliranje, Metastabilna stanja, Razpad lažnega vakuuma, picosecond electrical pulse, memristor, strongly correlated materials, single electron dynamics, metastable states, electronic amorphous state, val gostote naboja, prosto stoječi vzorci, litografija, metastabilno stanje, Nukleacija mehurčkov, Isingov model s transverzalnim poljem, quantum annealing, quantum computing, phase transitions and critical phenomena, val gostote naboj, vrstična tunelska mikroskopija, relaxation processes in metals and alloys, solid-solid transitions, Ultrafast time-resolved optical spectroscopy, glasses, Monte Carlo simulations, Kvantno žarjenje, Neravnovesna dinamika, Spinske verige, Kvantni adiabatni teorem, Odprti kvantni sistemi, charged lattice gas model, polarons, superconducting materials (noncuprates)