
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Leon Kos

Together there are 75 keywords, that are appearing 83 times.
6 of them (8 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 14 times (16.87 % of all appearances).

3x21.43%tokamak, SOL
2x14.29%ITER, SOLPS, fuzija, konstruiranje
1xtokamak WEST, vrtljiva in nagibna vpenjalna miza, toplotno sevanje, Raysect, sledenje žarkom, Intel Embree, sledenje po silnicah magnetnega polja, termonuklearna fuzija, tlačni test, proces 8D, fuzijski reaktor, plazma, varilna robotska celica, plazmi izpostavljene komponente, SALOME, izračun maksimalnega momenta, Interface Data Structure IDS, Consistent Physical Object CPO, ITER Data Model, Integrated Modeling and Analysis Suite IMAS, General Grid Description GGD, rob plazme, ParaView ReadUALEdge, edge_profiles, Smiter Elmer FEM metoda končnih elementov Euler-Rodriguesova formula format VTK fuzija toplotna obremenitev prenos toplote plazma izračun temperatur, barvanje, obremenitveni diagram, o-tesnilo, preračun zobniške dvojice, peči, prenos tplote, prestop toplote, prašno barvanje, prostorski model, proizvodnja, štirikotniki, robna plazma, mreža, TIARA, statorji držala kontaktov konstruiranje toplotno varjenje temperature, fusion, transporterji razvoj VDI 2221 sortiranje jabolka koncept, magnetno ravnovesje, IDS vmesnik podatkovne strukture, first wall of fusion reactor, field-line tracing, plasma, tomography, bolometer, GGD posplošen način opisa mreže, B2US, JET, ELMs, orodja, BIT1, SOLPS-ITER, elektromotorji, prototipi, puščanje, pozicioniranje, fluid modelling, kinetic modelling, plasma sheath, plasma wall transition, divertor, numerical simulations, kinetic factors, BCs, stiskanje