
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Simon Schnabl

Together there are 78 keywords, that are appearing 117 times.
14 of them (17.95 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 53 times (45.3 % of all appearances).

5x9.43%CADAM, diplomska dela
4x7.55%varnost, diplomska naloga
3x5.66%civil engineering, pregrada
2x3.77%dinamična analiza, graduation thesis, OG-MO, stabilnost, VS, OG-MK
1xvaljani beton, wooden pillar, plasterboard, fire protection, types of fire protection, intumescentne barve, leseni steber, vrste požarnih zaščit, mavčno kartonske plošče, kamena volna, težnostna pregrada, lesene plošče, fire resistance, rock wool, B-VKI, dynamic analysis, ocena varnosti, mehanski model, pseudo-dynamic method, B-GR, safety evaluation, psevdo-dinamična metoda, lastno nihanje, intumescent paint, požarna zaščita, timber cladding, konstrukcije, UN, akumulacije, pregrade, TNO Diana, empirični in numerični modeli oglenenja, koncentracija vlage, temperatura, dipl., masivni beton, metoda končnih elementov, povezan problem, diskretizacija, numerical model, analytical model, beech wood, doctoral thesis, glued laminated beams, adhesive, finger joints, tension testing, hidratacija cementa, MATLAB, požar, prevrnitev, oglenenje lesa, Built Environment, uklon, toplotna analiza, zdrs, razpokanost, podvodna eksplozija, metoda uteženih rezidualov, udarni val, statična analiza, RS-DAM, potresi, požarna odpornost