The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role
of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords
at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research
fields and interests are.
Frequency | Keyword |
Num. | % |
6x | 8.96% | voh |
4x | 5.97% | vohalni organ, vohalni epitel, EOG, elektroolfaktogram, vohalne celice, ameriški somič, aminokisline, vedenje |
3x | 4.48% | razlikovanje |
2x | 2.99% | visoko prečiščena voda, pogojevanje, vohalni bulbus, zmes, Ameiurus melas, živčne povezave, kodiranje, amonikisline, Dil, cebrice, okus, regeneracija, Danio rerio |
1x | | inštrumentalno pogojevanje, učenje zaporedja vedenj, Pterophyllum scalare, skalarka |