
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Marija Štefančič

Together there are 45 keywords, that are appearing 64 times.
14 of them (31.11 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 33 times (51.56 % of all appearances).

3x9.09%porodna teža, porodna dolžina, antropometrija, obseg glavice, telesna samopodoba
2x6.06%porodnice, sekularni trend, rast in razvoj, menarha, telesna višina, novorojenčki, telesni razvoj, medenica, telesna teža
1xrodnost, smrtnost, Marija Reka, Tabor, Spodnja Savinjska dolina, Prebold, tablice umrljivosti, povprečna starost, predadolescenca, menstruacija, menstruation, pre-adolescence, matične knjige, physical development, demografija, Slovenija, telesna razvitost, 16-letna dekleta, prehrana, dojenček, plesalci, prehanske navade, dejavniki okolja, mladostnice, osnovnošolci, Celje, indeks telesne mase, dijakinje, ITM, fizična razvitost, plesalke