
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Daša Farčnik

Together there are 88 keywords, that are appearing 148 times.
20 of them (22.73 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 80 times (54.05 % of all appearances).

12x15%turizem, raziskave
4x5%tourism, destinacija
3x3.75%analysis, research
2x2.5%storitve, športne igre, Covid-19, choice, zadovoljstvo, primeri, produktivnost, changes, usposabljanje, šport, človeški kapital, investicije
1xbrezposelnost, Slovenci, ekonomski vidik, logistika, filmska industrija, zaposlenost, potovanja, consumer behaviour, motiviranje, consumer psychology, decision making, dark tourism, letalski promet, demand, international cooperation, programmes, študents, podjetje, EU, delovno mesto, izobrazba, university education, epidemic, hotelirstvo, industrijske rastline, uporabniki, Montenegro, tourist product, supply, trg, mesta, informacijska tehnologija, ankete, turistični proizvod, informatika, digitalizacija, uporabniška izkušnja, gastronomija, spremembe, stroški, financiranje, culture, consumetr, innovations, interpersonal relations, value, infrastruktura, zdravje, izboljšave, trženje, mobilnost, cestni promet, promet, najem, razvoj, kadri, trendi, podeželje, mladina, turistična geografija, nakup, prehrana, spletna trgovina, vedenje potrošnikov, krize, okolje, pandemija, epidemija