
The tables show this person cooperation with other persons on the relation mentor - co-mentor. First table shows a list of persons and number of theses, where this person is a mentor, while the other table shows a list of persons, where selected person is in the role of commentor. Both tables show the number of theses with this relation.

Person: Robert Sotler

Person as a mentor
Robert SotlerJanez Kramar9
Špela Plesec7
Anja Boc3
Viki Kotar3
Zlatko Kvržić2
Damjana Zatković2
Nina Hiti2
Jože Prestor2
Urban Mesec2
Tina Kavčič2
Aljoša Lapanja2
Nataša Milojević1
Majda Cotič-Anderle1
Primož Velikonja1
Eva Tomelj1
Andreja Kvas1
Franc Rojko1
Andreja Prek1
Irena Dekleva1
Asja Jaklič1
Tina Gogova1
Eva Pogačar1
Ana Stopar Stritar1
Andrej Klančnik1
Nataša Čermelj1
Erik Mihelj1
Damjan Slabe1

Person as a co-mentor
Robert SotlerMarija Milavec Kapun2
Darja Ovijač2
Tina Kavčič1
Blaž Ivanc1
Mirjam Ravljen1
Andreja Kvas1