
The tables show this person cooperation with other persons on the relation mentor - co-mentor. First table shows a list of persons and number of theses, where this person is a mentor, while the other table shows a list of persons, where selected person is in the role of commentor. Both tables show the number of theses with this relation.

Person: Iča Rojšek

Person as a mentor
Iča RojšekVesna Žabkar2
Vlado Dimovski2
Irena Ograjenšek2
Jurij Jaklič1
Aleš Vahčič1
Jože Andrej Čibej1
Borut Rusjan1
Mojca Bavdaž1
Jože Rovan1

Person as a co-mentor
Iča RojšekVlado Dimovski1
Andrej Kovačič1
Maks Tajnikar1