
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

MSc theses (1)

  1. Sanela Aljija: Spolna funkcija in motnje pri parih, vključenih v procesu zunajtelesne oploditve

Other documents (3)

  1. Robert Sotler, Borut Poljšak, Raja Gošnak Dahmane, Tomislav Jukić, Doroteja Pavan-Jukić, Cecilija Rotim, Polonca Trebše, Andrej Starc: Prooxidant activities of antioxidants and their impact on health
  2. Andrej Starc, Manca Trampuš, Doroteja Pavan-Jukić, Cecilija Rotim, Tomislav Jukić, Ana Polona Mivšek: Infertility and sexual dysfunctions
  3. Doroteja Pavan-Jukić, Andrej Starc, David Štubljar, Tomislav Jukić: Obesity with high body mass index does not influence sperm retrieval in males with azoospermia