
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (1)

  1. Luka Rogelj: Detection of small joint arthritis with corrected spectral images

MSc theses (8)

  1. Milica Mikić: Dosimetric Impact of the CT-ED Curve in Radiotherapy of Pediatric Patients
  2. Damijan Valentinuzzi: Modeling tumor response to targeted therapy with anti-angiogenic drugs
  3. Vanja Sandrin: Uporaba $^{18}$F-FDG PET/CT za ugotavljanje odziva na zdravljenje
  4. Žan Klaneček: Razvoj numeričnega modela laserske epilacije
  5. Lara Hočuršćak: Primerjava statistične parametrične kartografije in skaliranega subprofilnega modela pri pacientih z Alzheimerjevo boleznijo
  6. Tadej Tomanič: Vpliv kakovosti in števila slik FDG-PET možganov na obliko značilnega presnovnega vzorca pri Alzheimerjevi bolezni
  7. Urša Beguš: Dinamika izločanja radioaktivnega joda z urinom med zdravljenjem benignih bolezni ščitnice z I-131
  8. Gašper Strnad: Dozimetrija pri radionuklidni terapiji nevroendokrinih tumorjev z Lu-177: primerjava 2D in 3D modela

BSc theses (1)

  1. Ana Lešnjak: Registracija možganskih MR slik z Elastixom

Other documents (5)

  1. Damijan Valentinuzzi, Urban Simončič, Katja Uršič Valentinuzzi, Martina Vrankar, Maruša Turk, Robert Jeraj: Predicting tumour response to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy with computational modelling
  2. Vesna M. Van Midden, Urban Simončič, Zvezdan Pirtošek, Maja Kojović: The effect of taVNS at 25 Hz and 100 Hz on Parkinson's disease gait
  3. Urban Simončič, Matija Milanič: Tail artifact removal via transmittance effect subtraction in optical coherence tail artifact images
  4. Urban Simončič, Matija Milanič: Hyperspectral imaging with active illumination: a theoretical study on the use of incandescent lamp and variable filament temperature
  5. Matija Milanič, Rok Hren, Jošt Stergar, Urban Simončič: Monitoring of caffeine consumption effect on skin blood properties by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy