
Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Magistrska dela (2)

  1. Boštjan Mavrič: Anomalni transport toplote v eni dimenziji
  2. Viktor Govže: Brezmrežna simulacija makroizcejanja z upoštevanjem gibanja trdne faze

Druga dela (16)

  1. Khush Bakhat Rana, Boštjan Mavrič, Rizwan Zahoor, Božidar Šarler: A meshless solution of the compressible viscous flow in axisymmetric tubes with varying cross-sections
  2. Vanja Hatić, Boštjan Mavrič, Božidar Šarler: Meshless simulation of a lid-driven cavity problem with a non-Newtonian fluid
  3. Vanja Hatić, Boštjan Mavrič, Božidar Šarler: Simulation of macrosegregation in direct-chill casting
  4. Božidar Šarler, Tadej Dobravec, Gašper Glavan, Vanja Hatić, Boštjan Mavrič, Robert Vertnik, Peter Cvahte, Filip Gregor, Marina Jelen, Marko Petrovič: Multi-physics and multi-scale meshless simulation system for direct-chill casting of aluminium alloys
  5. Tadej Dobravec, Boštjan Mavrič, Božidar Šarler: Acceleration of RBF-FD meshless phase-field modelling of dendritic solidification by space-time adaptive approach
  6. Tadej Dobravec, Boštjan Mavrič, Rizwan Zahoor, Božidar Šarler: A coupled domain–boundary type meshless method for phase-field modelling of dendritic solidification with the fluid flow
  7. Tadej Dobravec, Boštjan Mavrič, Božidar Šarler: Application of a meshless space-time adaptive approach to phase-field modelling of polycrystalline solidification
  8. Gašper Vuga, Boštjan Mavrič, Božidar Šarler: An improved local radial basis function method for solving small-strain elasto-plasticity
  9. Gašper Vuga, Boštjan Mavrič, Umut Hanoglu, Božidar Šarler: A hybrid radial basis function-finite difference method for modelling two-dimensional thermo-elasto-plasticity
  10. Gašper Vuga, Boštjan Mavrič, Božidar Šarler: A hybrid radial basis function-finite difference method for modelling two-dimensional thermo-elasto-plasticity, Part 1
  11. Izaz Ali, Gašper Vuga, Boštjan Mavrič, Umut Hanoglu, Božidar Šarler: Fourth-order phase-field simulation of cracks using strong form meshless method
  12. Khush Bakhat Rana, Boštjan Mavrič, Božidar Šarler: Phase-field formulated meshless simulation of Rayleigh-Taylor instability problem
  13. Tadej Dobravec, Boštjan Mavrič, Božidar Šarler: On different implementations of boundary conditions in the meshless RBF-FD method for phase-field modelling of dendritic solidification
  14. Gašper Vuga, Tadej Dobravec, Boštjan Mavrič, Božidar Šarler: A new hybrid local radial basis function collocation method for 2.5D thermo-mechanical modelling of continuous casting of steel
  15. Gašper Vuga, Boštjan Mavrič, Božidar Šarler: Strong-form meshless numerical modelling of visco-plastic material
  16. Khush Bakhat Rana, Boštjan Mavrič, Rizwan Zahoor, Božidar Šarler: Phase-field formulated meshless simulation of axisymmetric Rayleigh-Taylor instability problem