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Open Science Slovenia
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MSc theses (3)
Nik Gračanin:
Mineraloška, kristalografska in geokemična analiza wulfenitnih zrn iz rudnika Mežica
Tim Sotelšek:
Priprava in karakterizacija novega tipa Nd-Fe-B trajnih magnetov na osnovi recikliranih mikrokristaliničnih prahov
Bojan Ambrožič:
Metamorfni procesi v meteoritih Jesenice in Jezersko
Other documents (5)
Adrian Ionut Nicoara, Alexandra Elena Stoica, Mirijam Vrabec, Nastja Rogan Šmuc, Sašo Šturm, Cleva Ow-Yang, Mehmet Ali Gülgün, Zejnep Basaran Bundur, Ion Ciuca, Bogdan Stefan Vasile:
End-of-life materials used as supplementary cementitious materials in the concrete industry
Monika Kušter, Anton Meden, Boštjan Markoli, Zoran Samardžija, Maja Vončina, Pascal Boulet, Émilie Gaudry, Jean-Marie Dubois, Sašo Šturm:
Crystal structure, microstructure and electronic properties of a newly discovered ternary phase in the Al-Cr-Sc system
Blaž Leskovar, Sašo Šturm, Kemal Delijić, Julian Ledieu, Matejka Podlogar, Sandra Drev, Iztok Naglič, Boštjan Markoli:
Heterogeneous nucleation and orientation relationships of icosahedral phase with TiB$_2$ inoculants
Benjamin Podmiljšak, Spomenka Kobe, Tomaž Tomše, Marko Bek, Tomaž Kotnik, Lidija Slemenik Perše, Ema Žagar, Boris Saje, Kristina Žužek Rožman, Sašo Šturm:
Additive-manufactured anisotropic magnets for harsh environments
Gregor Kapun, Endre Majorovits, Sašo Šturm, Marjan Marinšek, Tina Skalar:
The microstructural reconstruction of variously sintered Ni-SDC cermets using focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy nanotomography