
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (1)

  1. Nejc Snedec: Analiza variabilnosti srčne frekvence pri kritično bolnih novorojenčkih

Other documents (3)

  1. Matjaž Klemenc, Jerica Maver, Tanja Princi, Polona Flander, Petra Golja: The effect of sucrose ingestion on autonomic nervous system function in young subjects during acute moderate hypoxia
  2. Matjaž Klemenc, Petra Golja: Baroreflex sensitivity in acute hypoxia and carbohydrate loading
  3. Boštjan Rejec, Petra Golja, Cirila Hlastan-Ribič, Matjaž Klemenc: Sodium and potassium intake in residents of retirement homes