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Open Science Slovenia
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PhD theses (8)
Tanja Rajkovič:
Core technological, marketing and complementary competencies as determinants of innovative performance
Domen Trobec:
Influence of corporate environmentalism and indebtedness on operations of Slovenian companies
Damjan Voje:
The influence of social capital on behaviour of firms
Vladimir Bukvič:
Vpliv investicijske sposobnosti slovenskih podjetij na uspešnost njihovega poslovanja
Marija Drenkovska:
The role of intangible capital in developing countries
Aleš Gorišek:
Relationship between non-tradable and tradable sector in Slovenia and other selected European economies
Ana Oblak:
Essays on corporate indebtedness : firms' and banks' perspectives
Ada Guštin Habuš:
Complex ownership structures in financial cycles
MSc theses (21)
Jana Miklič:
Simulacijski model trga z električno energijo v Sloveniji
Danica Bakotić:
Medium sized enterprises in Croatia and their growth strategies
Sebastjan Gergeta:
Modeliranje bonitetne lestvice plačilne discipline slovenskih podjetij
Mateja Štembergar:
Korporacijska strategija, upravljanje s portfeljem in strateška usklajenost v sestavljenem podjetju
Valentina Božič:
Vstop podjetja Era d.d. na hrvaški trg ter predlog dopolnitve maloprodajne strategije na osnovi spoznanj trženjske analize
Gorazd Reberšak:
Analiza kakovosti turistične ponudbe na igralniški destinaciji Nova Gorica in možnosti razvoja destinacije
Matjaž Hudopisk:
Predlog nove organiziranosti proizvodne dejavnosti v diviziji avtomobilskih sedežnih prevlek skupine Prevent
Irina Avramska:
Cross-cultural comparison among students from Macedonia, Slovenia and Kosovo and cultural differences in relation to economic development
Jadran Gorjan:
Obvladovanje tveganj s simulacijami
Damjan Voje:
Korporativno upravljanje podjetij v Makedoniji
Petra Florjančič:
Destinacijski menedžment na primeru Mirnske doline
Besnik Berisha:
Current financial crisis and its consequences for the economy of Kosovo
Ana Oblak:
Determinants of loan growth in boom-bust-recovery regime
Luka Pataky:
Influential conections and firms' success
Biljana Milutinović:
A destination competitiveness analysis
Abigail Judy Claassen:
The automotive industry in the Republic of South Africa
Tadej Vrabec:
Crowdinvesting - the regulatory framework and implications for investors
Ada Guštin Habuš:
The influence of ownership structure on the productivity of Slovenian manufacturing and service sector firms between 2006 and 2014
Miha Dominko:
Increasing indebtedness of Slovenian companies as a result of ownership transformation
Jožef Bradeško:
Gospodarska rast brez kreditov v Sloveniji po letu 2013
Mpho Mzingelwa, Scott Schmidt:
The potential for Slovenian housing industry to enter the South African market
BSc theses (6)
Tatjana Zabasu:
Soupravljanje v podjetjih
Nataša Prijatelj Petelinkar:
Privatizacija podjetij v Bosni in Hercegovini
Gorazd Reberšak:
Italijanska igralniška zakonodaja in strateško obnašanje HIT-a
Jaka Zagode:
Urejanje obveznih rezerv nafte v Sloveniji, Avstriji in Nemčiji
Laura Fink:
Problemi nemškega modela gospodarskega razvoja
Črt Korinšek:
Škotski gospodarski razvoj
Other documents (2)
Velimir Bole, Miha Dominko, Ada Guštin Habuš, Janez Prašnikar:
Countries of Former Yugoslavia
Ada Guštin Habuš, Janez Prašnikar:
Concentrated ownership and firm's performance