
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (5)

  1. Benedikt Strajnar: Four-dimensional data assimilation of aircraft observations of the atmosphere in complex terrain
  2. Vanja Blažica: Divergence in limited area models for numerical weather prediction
  3. Matic Šavli: Assimilation of spaceborne Doppler wind lidar observations in a mesoscale model
  4. Žiga Zaplotnik: Coupling of the aerosols, moisture and winds in 4D-var data assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction
  5. Katarina Kosovelj: Normal-mode analysis of the role of tropics in global atmospheric predictability

MSc theses (3)

  1. Neža Ključevšek: Detekcija in vpliv vročinskih valov v Sloveniji
  2. Luka Matavž: Vpliv vertikalne turbulentne difuzije v modelu CAMx na izračunane koncentracije onesnaževal
  3. Alenka Senica: Zanesljivost napovedi proizvodnje energije kombiniranih vetrnih in sončnih elektrarn

BSc theses (1)

  1. Blaž Šter: Sinoptično-statistična analiza napak napovedi padavin prognostičnega modela ALADIN-SI v izbranih vremenskih situacijah

Other documents (6)

  1. Žiga Zaplotnik, Nedjeljka Žagar, Angela Benedetti, Noureddine Semane: Inferring atmospheric dynamics from aerosol observations in 4D-Var
  2. Žiga Zaplotnik, Nedjeljka Žagar, Nils Gustafsson: An intermediate-complexity model for four-dimensional variational data assimilation including moist processes
  3. Katarina Kosovelj, Fred Kucharski, Franco Molteni, Nedjeljka Žagar: Modal decomposition of the global response to tropical heating perturbations resembling MJO
  4. Žiga Zaplotnik, Nedjeljka Žagar, Noureddine Semane: Flow-dependent wind extraction in strong-constraint 4D-Var
  5. Nedjeljka Žagar, Valentino Neduhal, Sergiy Vasylkevych, Žiga Zaplotnik, Hiroshi L. Tanaka: Decomposition of vertical velocity and its zonal wavenumber kinetic energy spectra in the hydrostatic atmosphere
  6. Valentino Neduhal, Nedjeljka Žagar, Frank Lunkeit, Inna Polichtchouk, Žiga Zaplotnik: Decomposition of the horizontal wind divergence associated with the Rossby, mixed Rossby-gravity, inertia-gravity, and Kelvin waves on the sphere