
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (8)

  1. Yevhenii Vaskivskyi: Studies of non-equilibrium phenomena using scanning tunneling microscopy
  2. Miloš Borovšak: Phase changes in molybdenum oxides induced by AFM tip and laser excitation
  3. Nevena Ćelić: The influence of MoSI nanowires on the efficiency of P3HT:PCBM solar cells
  4. Igor Vaskivskyi: Light induced phase transitions to hidden states in strongly correlated systems
  5. Jože Buh: Investigation of properties of nanowires produced by transformation from MoSI nanowires
  6. Jaka Vodeb: Configurational Electronic States in Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
  7. Jan Ravnik: Studies of ultrafast processes in correlated materials using scanning tunnelling microscope
  8. Rok Venturini: Metastable states in two-dimensional charge density wave materials

MSc theses (7)

  1. Polona Aupič: Opazovanje relaksacije amorfnega stanja v tantalovem disulfidu z uporabo vrstične tunelske mikroskopije
  2. Gregor Jecl: Time-resolved optical studies of ultrafast structural dynamics of the valency modulation of iridium in IrTe$_2$
  3. Jan Ravnik: Opazovanje faznega prehoda v skrito kvantno stanje na femtosekundni časovni skali
  4. Jaka Vodeb: Urejanje polaronov v dveh dimenzijah
  5. Rok Venturini: Raziskave ultrahitre vzbuditve faznega prehoda v 1T-TaS$_2$ s pikosekundnim električnim sunkom
  6. Gregor Humar: Razpad lažnega vakuuma v Isingovem modelu s transverzalnim poljem na kvantnem žarilniku
  7. Matevž Rupnik: Izdelava naprednih 1T-TaS$_2$ elektronskih naprav

BSc theses (1)

  1. Jure Novak: Elipsometrija

Other documents (1)

  1. Anže Mraz, Michele Diego, Andrej Kranjec, Jaka Vodeb, Peter Karpov, Yaroslav Gerasimenko, Jan Ravnik, Yevhenii Vaskivskyi, Rok Venturini, Viktor V. Kabanov, Benjamin Lipovšek, Marko Topič, Igor Vaskivskyi, Dragan Mihailović: Manipulation of fractionalized charge in the metastable topologically entangled state of a doped Wigner crystal