
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

BSc theses (1)

  1. Matevž Vučer: Vpliv kinetične energije na mehanske lastnosti dinamičnih plezalnih vrvi pri impulzni obremenitvi

Other documents (6)

  1. Almatbek Kydyrbekuly, Gulama-Garip Alisher Ibrayev, Tangat Ospan, Anatolij Nikonov: Multi-parametric dynamic analysis of a rolling bearings system
  2. Ahmed S. M. Alzaidi, Julius Kaplunov, Barbara Zupančič, Anatolij Nikonov: Transverse compression of a thin inhomogeneous elastic layer
  3. Jurij Prezelj, Anatolij Nikonov, Igor Emri: Using sound in the very near field of vibrating plates for determination of their mechanical properties
  4. Anatolij Nikonov, Urška Florjančič: The effect of different numerical approaches on the accuracy of calculating relaxation spectra for polysaccharides
  5. Ahmed S. M. Alzaidi, Julius Kaplunov, Anatolij Nikonov, Barbara Zupančič: Transverse compression of a thin elastic disc
  6. Julius Kaplunov, Barbara Zupančič, Anatolij Nikonov: Asimptoticheskiy analiz osesimmetrichnoy zadachi ob obzhatii tonkogo uprugogo diska v sluchaye smeshannykh granichnykh usloviy na litsevykh poverkhnostyakh