
Kakovostna obravnava pacienta z alergijsko reakcijo v ambulanti nujne medicinske pomoči : diplomsko delo - pregled literature
ID Tomažič, Nastja (Author), ID Prestor, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 230768EC916978CB1F95D9D5E616DD4F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8448a59d-cc00-4e7b-8f5a-82e42f6fb48d

Uvod: Alergijske bolezni so ene najpogostejših kroničnih obolenj v svetu, saj ima te težave že vsak peti človek. Alergija se lahko hitro razvije v hudo reakcijo, ki se lahko konča s smrtjo, zato morajo biti zdravstveni delavci dobro poučeni o kakovostni obravnavi takih pacientov. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na osnovi tuje in domače strokovne literature ter podatkov, pridobljenih v predhodnih raziskavah, predstaviti alergije, kakovostno obravnavo, ki vključuje zdravljenje in pristop k pacientu z alergijsko reakcijo ter vlogo medicinske sestre v nujni medicinski pomoči pri pacientu z anafilaksijo. Metode dela: Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Z metodo zbiranja gradiva smo naredili natančen pregled domače in tuje strokovne ter znanstvene literature s tega področja, podatke smo pridobili iz opravljenih raziskav. Metoda dela je bila izbrana glede na cilje, ki jih z diplomskim delom želimo doseči. Iskanje člankov je omejeno na raziskave in objave prispevkov med leti 2003 in 2016. Rezultat: Alergija je reakcija imunskega sistema na nek sicer neškodljiv dražljaj iz okolja. Najpogostejši vzroki za alergijo so piki žuželk, zdravila in hrana. Velika težava je neprepoznavanje anafilaksije med zdravstvenim osebjem. Kljub temu, da je adrenalin prvo zdravilo za zdravljenje anafilaksije, se pogosto uporabljajo antihistaminiki in kortikosteroidi. Veliko ljudi ve, na katere snovi so alergični, ampak zaradi premalo znanja in izobraževanja še vedno pride do alergijskih reakcij, ki so v nekaterih primerih usodne. Razprava in sklep: Diplomirana medicinska sestra ima pomembno vlogo pri obravnavi pacienta z alergijsko reakcijo, saj je običajno tudi prva ob pacientu. Ugotovili smo, da je treba izboljšati prepoznavo alergijske reakcije ter povečati zdravstveno vzgojo, da preprečimo večje število alergijskih reakcij. Zdravilo prvega izbora je Adrenalin, ki ga premalokrat uporabljamo. Vsak, ki je doživel hudo alergijsko reakcijo, bi moral dobiti set za prvo pomoč in biti deležen predavanja o tem, kako in kdaj ga uporabljamo.

Keywords:alergijska reakcija, anafilaksija, adrenalin, nujna medicinska pomoč, medicinska sestra
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99893 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5393515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Quality treatment of the patient with allergic reaction in emergency medicine department : diploma work - literature review
Introduction: Allergic diseases are one of the most common chronic diseases in the world since they affect every fifth person. An allergy can rapidly develop into a severe reaction that can end with the death of the patient therefore health professionals must be well-informed about the quality treatment of such patients. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to present allergies, quality treatment, which includes treatment and approach to the patient with an allergic reaction, and the role of a nurse in emergency medical service when dealing with an anaphylaxis patient. The presentation of the above mentioned is based on Slovene and foreign professional and scientific literature, as well as on the data obtained in the previous research. Methods of work: The descriptive method of work was used in the preparation of the diploma thesis. When collecting the material, we made a detailed overview of Slovene and foreign professional and scientific literature in this field and obtained data from the previously carried out research. The method of work was selected according to the goals that we wished to achieve with the diploma thesis. The search is limited to research and publication of contributions between 2003 and 2016. Results: An allergy is a reaction of our immune system to an otherwise harmless stimulus from the environment. The most common causes of allergies are insect stings, medicines and food. The major problem among the medical staff is the failure to recognize anaphylaxis. Despite the fact that the first cure for the anaphylaxis treatment is adrenaline, antihistamines and corticosteroids are commonly used. Many people know which substances they are allergic to, but due to the lack of knowledge and education, allergic reactions still occur, in some cases they are fatal. Discussion and conclusion: A graduate nurse plays an important role in treating a patient with an allergic reaction, since they are usually the first to be beside the patient. We have realized that it is necessary to improve the recognition of allergies as well as to increase health education in order to prevent a larger number of allergic reactions. The first choice of medication is adrenaline, which is underused. Anyone who has experienced a severe allergic reaction should be given a first-aid kit and a lecture on how and when to use it.

Keywords:allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, adrenaline, emergency medical service, nurse

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