
Optimizacija dodeljevanja nalog v okviru oskrbovanja objektov s pomočjo pametnih mobilnih naprav
ID Volontar, Matija (Author), ID Vavpotič, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6109E39517D29CD42A534870185170F6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4ced2f51-db60-4f8d-b7a0-6e430c025f32

V začetku diplomskega dela predstavimo delovanje sistema SCADA in njegovo vlogo v okviru oskrbovanja objektov. Izpostavimo problem optimalnega dodeljevanja nalog osebju na terenu ob alarmu na objektu z uporabo omenjenega sistema. V nadaljevanju, na podlagi raziskave trga in sodelovanja z zaposlenimi v testnem podjetju, predstavimo seznam funkcionalnosti, brez katerih rešitev ne more učinkovito reševati omenjenega problema. Glede na število vsebovanih funkcionalnosti in glede na ustreznost uporabe rešitve v dejanskem podjetju, so izbrane in predstavljene rešitve, ki ta problem naslavljajo. Naslednje poglavje opisuje orodja, naprave in način razvoja prototipa, ki vsebuje spletno in mobilno aplikacijo, ter storitve v oblaku. Sledi primerjava učinkovitosti izvajanja poslovnega procesa na obstoječ način in na optimiziran način z uporabo razvitega prototipa ter sklep.

Keywords:sistemi SCADA, proces alarmiranja, optimalno obveščanje vzdrževalcev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99756 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of task assignement in facility maintenance by using mobile technologies
In the beggining of thesis we present, how SCADA system works and its role in the facility maintenance. We point out the problem of optimal task assignment among personnel on field, in case of alarm at certain facility, using the above mentioned system. Further in the thesis, based on market research and cooperation with employees of the company, we present a list of functionalities without which solutions can not effectively solve the problem. Based on the number of functionalities contained in each solution and based on the adequacy of the solution for use in an actual company, the list of three solutions that adress the given problem, is presented. Next, thesis describes the tools, devices, and development techniques used to produce a protoype that includes mobile application, web application and cloud services. Lastly we present a comparison between business process efficiency using standard methods and developed prototype. At the end, conclusion is presented.

Keywords:SCADA systems, alarming process, optimal informing of maintenance workers

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