
Discovery and modeling of overcontact binaries in photometric and spectroscopic sky surveys
ID Kochoska, Angela (Author), ID Zwitter, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Prša, Andrej (Comentor)

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MD5: 181ED370DBCEE111238137274C9778C9
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1718fc03-90aa-4e4d-a2fb-514f958c0406

Contact binaries are close binary systems whose components are in physical contact and share an atmosphere. They comprise about ~ 10-20 % of all binaries in present photometric sky surveys like Kepler and OGLE and thousands of light curves and spectra of these stars are already available, a number that is expected to increase by several orders of magnitude with new all-sky surveys like Gaia and LSST. Despite being abundant, the structure of contact binaries puzzles astronomers to this day. The inconsistencies with observations and the mere complexity of the theoretical models of mass and heat transfer in these objects have resulted in their continuous neglect in modern tools of binary star analysis. The light curve analysis is instead carried out through populating the surface of the contact envelope with blackbody radiation properties, or model atmospheres computed under assumptions that apply to single stars. This Thesis highlights the key problems and inconsistencies of contact binary modeling today and proposes a framework that serves to bridge the gap between the large influx of observational data and the lack of accurate models for the analysis of said data. The basic principles of a newly developed and freely available generalized radiative transfer code are outlined and their application to different geometries and stellar structures is discussed. The final goal of this ambitious project is the computation of model atmospheres under the correct assumptions for contact binaries for use in modern binary star analysis codes. This will enable testing of the many theoretical models at hand on high-quality data that would not only reveal the true structure and populations of contact binaries, but if applied to the large samples of data from present and future large-scale sky surveys, will also uncover fundamental aspects of their formation and evolution.

Keywords:stars, close binaries, eclipsing binaries, spectroscopic binaries, star atmospheres, radiative transfer, numerical methods
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99179 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3163236 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.01.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Odkrivanje in analiza kontaktnih dvojnic v fotometričnih in spektroskopskih pregledih neba
Kontaktne dvojne zvezde so tesne dvojnice, pri katerih sta zvezdi v fizičnem stiku in si delita atmosfero. Obsegajo približno ~ 10-20 % vseh dvojnih zvezd v dosedanjih fotometričnih in spektroskopskih pregledih neba, kot sta Kepler in OGLE. Na tisoče svetlobnih krivulj in spektrov teh zvezd je že na voljo in pričakujemo, da se bo število podatkov povečalo za nekaj redov velikosti z novimi pregledi celotnega neba, kot sta Gaia in LSST. Kljub velikemu številu podatkov kontaktnih dvojnic, njihova struktura še zmeraj ni v celoti razkrita. Sodobna orodja za analizo podatkov dvojnih zvezd ne upoštevajo teoretičnih modelov prenosa mase in toplote v kontaktnih dvojnicah, kar je posledica nedoslednosti in kompleksnosti problema. Namesto tega, analiza svetlobnih krivulj poteka z modeliranjem kontaktnih ovojnic s pomočjo modelov sevanja črnega telesa ali atmosfer enojnih zvezd. Disertacija poudarja ključne probleme in nedoslednosti modeliranja kontaktnih dvojnih zvezd danes ter predlaga način kako uskladiti veliki pritok opazovalnih podatkov in pomanjkanje natančnih modelov za analizo le-teh. Opisana so osnovna načela nove kode za sevalni prenos ter uporaba kode za modeliranje sevalnega prenosa v različnih geometrijskih in zvezdnih strukturah. Končni cilj tega ambicioznega projekta je izračun atmosferskih modelov kontaktnih dvojnih zvezd in njihova uporaba v sodobnih kodah za analizo dvojnic. To bo omogočilo preskušanje številnih teoretičnih modelov na visokokakovostnih podatkih iz sedanjih in prihodnjih obsežnih pregledih neba, ki ne bi le razkrili resnične strukture in populacije kontaktnih dvojnic, ampak tudi odkrili bistvene lastnosti njihovega nastanka in razvoja.

Keywords:zvezde, tesne dvojnice, prekrivalne dvojnice, spektroskopske dvojnice, zvezdne atmosfere, sevalni prenos, numerične metode

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