In 2015, an experiment was carried out on the Laboratory field of Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana, in which the impact of foliar application of different selenium and iodine forms on pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants and yield was evaluated. Experiment was performed in complete block design, with three replications. In the stage of full flowering of pea plants, different forms of selenium in concentration of 10 mg/L and iodine in concentration 100 mg/L and combinations of both elements were foliar applied once, to enrich yield with these two elements. Selenium was used in forms of selenite (Se(IV)) and selenate (Se(VI)) and iodine in forms of iodide (I(-I)) and iodate (I(V)). We had 9 treatments: fortification with selenite, selenate, selenite and iodide, selenite and iodate, selenate and iodide, selenate and iodate, iodide, iodate and control treatment with water. The yield was manualy harvested two times. In each plot mass and number of bean pods and a mass of grains and husks were measured. In the second harvest also the mass and number of riped and unriped pods were recorded. From each plot 10 pods were randomly selected and the measurements of length and mass of pod, number of grains were made in the pod and everage mass of grain was calculated. Treatments with selenium and iodine have no statistical significant effect on pea yield. Statisticly significant differences were found between different aplications in length and mass of pea pods, numbers of grains per pod and everage mass of grain.