The attempt of this master's degree is to show the similarities between the fables of India and later world known authors of fables like: Aesop, La Fontaine, Krilov, Lessing in Fajderus and some Slovenian writers of fables: Valentin Vodnik, Anton Martin Slomšek, Fran Levstik, Matija Valjevec, Dragotin Kette in Janez Trdina. My main text of reference is Pancatantra which is counted as one of the oldest fables of India, although it was not named fable at that time. My finding is that Aesop cannot be rightfully counted as the originator of fable, even though we can find quite a few similarities with the later authors of fables. I investigated if there was any influences of one work on others or were all the similarities just due to the fact that narration was dealing with similar motifs, topics, morals, lessons and similar subjects and based on cultural characteristics. For the purpose of comparison with other authors of fables - Slovene and foreign alike - I used only those fables of Aesop in which I have already found many close similarities with the stories narrated in Pancatantra. My research proved a fact, that a fable is of the least original literary forms because even there is no tangible influences of one author on another, there is still possible to find similar motifs, themes, cultural characteristics morals and similar contents.