The master's thesis deals with the impact of children's trauma on literary figures in contemporary Slovenian novel, which is at the forefront intimate story that reveals personal problems of literary characters. Novels Ime mi je Damjan by Suzana Tratnik, Izgubljeni jutri by Franjo Frančič, Poizvedovanje za imenom by Florian Lipuš and Nespečnost by Vinko Möderndorfer are all Slovenian contemporary novels, the main literary person in each of them has a children's trauma that in the narratives occupies an important place. Children's trauma affects on feelings, actions and mutual relations of the protagonists (an important place occupies relationship with a woman) and are expressed in their existential distress. On the narrative level, the impact of child trauma featured primarily in the discovery of trauma through retrospective fragments and ironic perspective of the narrator, who at the end experiences a unique catharsis.