
Enofazni serijski aktivni močnostni filter
ID ROŽEJ, MARTIN (Avtor), ID Nemec, Mitja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: BDD90F2F7B39BB47BA4A602DA6D456C0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f038ea72-9abd-4810-b780-e5db274af0b8

Magistrska naloga obravnava zgradbo, delovanje, načrtovanje in izdelavo enofaznega serijskega aktivnega močnostnega filtra (v nadaljevanju SAPF) za korekcijo napajalne napetosti med omrežjem in bremenom. V začetnem delu je podan osnovni pregled močnostnih omrežnih filtrov, s poudarkom na delovanju aktivnega serijskega filtra, ki je sestavljen iz vhodnega in izhodnega tranzistorskega mostiča. Opisano je delovanje in topologiji obeh mostičev, ter regulacija njunih izhodnih veličin. V osrednjem delu magistrskega dela so podane smernice načrtovanja take naprave, katere so bile upoštevane med samo izdelavo. V fazi načrtovanja je govora tudi o osnovnem delovanju celotne naprave preko poenostavljene blokovne sheme. Med drugim so podrobneje razloženi posamezni segmenti vezja, prav tako različne modifikacije, ki so se pojavile tekom izdelave in testiranjem naprave. V nadaljevanju je podrobneje opisana programska koda, ki se izvršuje na mikrokrmilniku. Podana je osnovna arhitektura programa (inicializacija, neskončna zanka, zaščitna prekinitev in periodična prekinitev), kjer so posamezni sklopi tudi podrobneje opisani. Dodatna pozornost je namenjena opisu izvajanja programa ob preklopnih manevrih (vklop, izklop, izredni dogodek). Za konec so predstavljeni rezultati meritev naprave med obratovanjem, s čimer smo se prepričali, da filter deluje v skladu z želenimi pričakovanji. Osredotočili smo se tako na meritve napetosti in toka v časovnem prostoru, tako v prostem teku, kot z bremeni na izhodu, kot tudi meritve napetosti v frekvenčnem prostoru, s čimer smo učinkovitost filtra podali tudi preko faktorja THD.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:enofazni serijski aktivni močnostni filter (SAPF), MOSFET tranzistor, DSP, mikrokrmilnik, kaskadna regulacija, vzporedna regulacija, THD
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97552 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:26.10.2017
Število ogledov:2556
Število prenosov:774
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Single-Phase Serial Active Power Filter
This master's thesis presents the structure, operation, design and production of a single-phase series active power filter (later referred to as SAPF), whose purpose is the correction of the supply voltage between the power network and the load. In the initial part, a basic overview of active power filters is given, with an emphasis on the operation of the active serial filter, which consists of the input and the output transistor bridge. The operation and topology of the two bridges are described, as well as the regulation of their output quantities. In the central part of the thesis guidelines are given for the design of such a device, which were considered during the production process. While describing the design stage, the basic operation of the entire device is also discussed through a simplified block scheme. Among other things, the individual circuit segments are explained in detail, as are the various modifications that occurred during the manufacture and testing of the device. This is followed by a detailed description of the program code that is executed on the microcontroller. Basic architecture consists of an initialization, endless loop, protection interrupt and periodic interrupt. All parts are thoroughly described with special detail on how the program executes at special event (turn on, turn off, fault sense). Finally, the results of the measurements of the device during operation are presented, in order to prove the filter works according to the desired expectations. We focused on voltage and current measurements in the time domain, both in idle state and with the load on the output, as well as on voltage measurements in the frequency domain, whereby the efficiency of the filter was also represented through the THD factor.

Ključne besede:Single-Phase Serial Active Power Filter (SAPF), MOSFET transistor, DSP, microcontroller, cascade regulation, parallel regulation, THD

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