For teachers the internal measurement of knowledge is the most complicated part of teaching. The main ingredients of knowledge measurement are assessment and evaluation. Knowledge assessment is systematically collecting information about how a pupil is achieving goals, and a feedback to teachers, pupils and parents. Evaluation is valuating those achievements and giving them a numerical value. Assessment and evaluation have various functions and a different meaning for all the participants, who are included in a schooling process. Depending on when we assess, we differentiate between diagnostic, formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment is very important, but summative assessment is also obligatory. It must be conducted before evaluation as it is stipulated in Slovenian Rule Book of knowledge assessment and evaluation. Besides traditional forms of assessment and evaluation, for instance written test and oral examination, alternative ways of assessment and evaluation are nowadays appearing in our schools. Among one of them is self-assessment, which plays a great role in developing child’s ability to monitor and direct his own learning. In this master thesis we used a questionnaire to find out, what the teachers of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade assess and evaluate in Slovene language classes and in which ways, what they find demanding in assessment and evaluation and what would they like to change. We also included pupils in our research, so that we would be able to compare teachers’ and pupils’ answers. This was done using quantitative research and descriptive research method. We included 59 teachers, who taught in 3rd, 4th or 5th grade in the school year 2016/2017 and 69 pupils who attended 3rd, 4th and 5th grade in the same school year. Both, teachers and students were from regions Dolenjska, Pomurje and Podravje. The results showed that teachers still prefer to use written tests and oral examinations; in written assessment the most demanding for teachers is to determine criteria for written evaluation. The results also indicated that in oral assessment the most demanding for the teachers is to think of possible solutions of the tasks while considering the criteria. Teachers give more grades in linguistic part of Slovene language classes than in literature part of Slovene language classes. Written exams are more commonly used in linguistic part of Slovene language classes and oral presentations are more commonly used in literature part of Slovene language classes. We also discovered that teachers draw up the written exams by themselves or with colleagues. Some teachers are already using alternative forms of evaluation – mostly self-evaluation and peer evaluation. Another thing we discovered was that there is a great discrepancy between teachers’ and pupils’ answers. The teachers claim that they do not use partial grades, meanwhile the pupils’ state teachers used partial grades to evaluate them. The teachers also claim that they always prepare extra tasks after assessing knowledge but the pupils’ state this only happens occasionally. In some areas teachers and pupils have the same views. For example, most teachers and pupils would not like to change anything about the evaluation of Slovene language. With this research we wanted to highlight different views and opinions of teachers about several aspects of assessment and evaluation and also obtain different pupils’ views in order that in the future teachers and pupils may find common ground in assessment and evaluation.