
ID SLIVNIK, MATIJAS (Avtor), ID Ivanko, Štefan (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: B8A771978BDFB53A28C41919CAC06E3C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1d1cac82-d141-4842-924e-b55cbe8b876b

Diplomsko delo obravnava problematiko dela v policiji in jo primerja s problematiko dela v drugem poklicu. Danes se zaradi vse večjih pritiskov in pričakovanj s stani nadrejenih in celotne družbe vse več posameznikov znajde v osebni stiski. Želel sem ugotoviti, ali je zaradi narave policijskega dela komunikacija v družinah, ki imajo člana zaposlenega v policiji, težja. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti pogoje dela v policiji, posledice prekomernih obremenitev ter vpliv dela v policiji na komunikacijo v družini A, v kateri je vsaj en član zaposlen v policiji, primerjalno z družino B, ko ta član nima več stika s policijo. Hkrati sem želel ugotoviti, ali člani družine poznajo tehnike sproščanja ter ali jih tudi uporabljajo. Izvedena je bila raziskava o vplivu službenega okolja v policiji na delovanje in komunikacijo družine in o uporabi tehnik sproščanja med člani družine. Pri tem sem uporabljal vprašalnik, ki je bil sestavljen iz enajstih vprašanj z Likertovo lestvico in desetih vprašanj z možnostjo odgovora DA ali NE. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da ima službeni stres zaradi dela v policiji večji negativni vpliv na razumevanje v družini, ki se kasneje ob novi zaposlitvi bistveno zmanjša. Hkrati pa je bila zaradi družini prijaznejšega urnika, boljšega počutja in manjše napetosti komunikacija v družini lažja in učinkovitejša. Med vzroke slabše komunikacije sodijo nestabilen delovnik, nenaklonjenost dela v policiji do družine in raztresenost ter utrujenost zaposlenega člana družine. Kar šestnajst anketirancev je pri članu, zaposlenem v policiji, opažalo znake izgorelosti. Prav tako jih osemnajst pozna možnosti samopomoči, uporablja pa jih dvanajst anketirancev. Menim, da bi lahko moje delo pomagalo družinam, ki se soočajo s stresnim načinom življenja, opredeliti svoje težave in najti rešitve zanje. Prav tako bi lahko pomagalo nadrejenim zagotoviti boljše odnose na delovnem mestu.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:komunikacija, policija, stres, družina, tehnike sproščanja, delovno okolje
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FU - Fakulteta za upravo
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96538 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:05.10.2017
Število ogledov:1634
Število prenosov:305
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
The thesis discusses the problem of the police work environment and compares it with the work in another profession. Nowadays, due to increasing pressures and expectations from the superiors and the society, more and more individuals find themselves in emotional distress. In the thesis, I want to find out whether the communication in the families which have at least one member employed at the police is any harder than in the families where no member works at the police. The purpose of this thesis is to present the work conditions at the police, the consequences of excessive stress, and the effects of the police work on the communication in family A, where at least one member is employed at the police and compare it to family B, where the member no longer has any contact with the police. Additionally, the thesis examines whether the family members are familiar with relaxation techniques and whether they use them. A study was carried out on the effect of the police work environment on the communication in the family as well as on the use of relaxation techniques among family members. In the survey, a questionnaire was used, consisting of eleven questions with Likert scale and ten YES-NO questions. The results of the study show that the work stress at the police has a stronger negative effect on understanding among family members, which is reduced when changing the job. At the same time, due to a more family-friendly schedule, well-being and reduced stress, the communication in the family is easier and more effective. Among the reasons for poorer communication are unstable working hours, inadequacy of the police environment for the family, and the confusion and fatigue of the employee. Sixteen of the respondents have observed signs of burnout syndrome with the family member employed at the police. Eighteen respondents are familiar with the options of self-help and twelve respondents actually use them. I believe that this thesis could help the families who experience a stressful way of living to identify their problems and find solutions. It could also help the superiors at work to ensure healthier work environments.

Ključne besede:communication, police, stress, family, relaxation techniques, work environment

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