
Izvrševanje globe
ID Pezdirc, Živa (Avtor), ID Filipčič, Katja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: F6822D2AD81920AB68FD2237B46F812F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2de88ad6-1168-499e-b459-8c6b9ff1f73b

Globa v prekrškovnem pravu predstavlja glavno sankcijo, ki se, poleg stranskih sankcij, lahko izreče storilcu prekrška. V odločbi o prekršku se določi tudi rok, v katerem mora storilec globo plačati. V primeru neplačila oziroma nezmožnosti plačila pa Zakon o prekrških, ob izpolnjenosti zahtevanih pogojev, predvideva tudi druge ukrepe, katerih učinek je enak plačilu globe. Tako lahko storilec, namesto plačila, opravi delo v splošno korist, če tega ne stori, pristojni organi globo izterjajo prisilno, ko pa ni uspešna niti prisilna izterjava, se storilcu odredi nadomestni zapor. Magistrska naloga zato predstavlja in kritično obravnava vse aspekte globe in njenega izvrševanja. Predstavljene so splošne značilnosti omenjenih institutov, skupaj s postopkom njihove odreditve in kritikami zakonske ureditve. Naloga izpostavlja probleme, s katerimi se pristojni organi srečujejo ali bi se utegnili srečati pri uporabi institutov v praksi ter zanje predstavlja možne rešitve. Nekaj več pozornosti je namenjene nadomestnemu zaporu oziroma ustreznosti ukrepa odvzema prostosti za samo prekrškovno pravo na splošno. Ker je prekrškovno pravo skupaj s kazenskim del kaznovalnega prava, se naloga opredeli tudi do ustreznosti razmerja med izvrševanjem globe in denarne kazni. S primerjalno-pravnega vidika pa naloga kratko predstavlja zakonske ureditve izbranih evropskih držav, podrobneje pa je, zaradi podobnosti s slovensko, analizirana ureditev Republike Irske. Na podlagi ugotovljenega so v zaključku izpostavljene glavne kritike in pomanjkljivosti veljavne zakonske ureditve izvrševanja globe ter predlogi njenih sprememb.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:prekršek, globa, plačilna nedisciplina, delo v splošno korist, prisilna izterjava globe, nadomestni zapor
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96440 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:15816017 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:02.10.2017
Število ogledov:3023
Število prenosov:835
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Enforcement of fine
In the misdemeanours law, a fine is the main sanction, which, in addition to the secondary sanctions, can be imposed on the perpetrator of the offence. The offence decision also specifies the deadline within which the perpetrator must pay the fine. In case of default or the inability to pay, the Misdemeanours Act, when fulfilling the required conditions, also provides for other measures whose effect is equal to the payment of the fine. Hence, the perpetrator can do community payback instead of paying; if they fail to do so, the competent authorities recover the fine, but when even the forcible collection is not successful, the perpetrator is sentenced to substitute imprisonment. Therefore, the master's thesis presents and critically deals with all aspects of the fine and its enforcement. The general characteristics of these institutes are presented, together with the procedure of their imposition and criticisms of the legal regulation. The thesis highlights the problems that the competent authorities face or might face when using the institutes in practice, and presents potential solutions for them. A little more attention is paid to the substitute imprisonment, or the suitability of a detention order for the minor misdemeanours law in general. Since the misdemeanours law is part of the penal law along with the criminal law, the thesis also defines the suitability of the relationship between the enforcement of a fine and a financial penalty. From the comparative-legal point of view, the thesis briefly presents the regulations of certain European countries, and due to its similarity with the Slovenian one, the regulation of the Republic of Ireland is analysed in detail. On the basis of the findings, the main criticisms and shortcomings of the current regulation of the enforcement of fines and proposals for its amendments are highlighted in the conclusion.

Ključne besede:offence, fine, payment disorder, community payback, forcible collection, substitute imprisonment

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