
Meja med investicijami in mednarodnimi trgovinskimi transakcijami v mednarodnem investicijskem pravu
ID Ljubetič, Tisa (Avtor), ID Sancin, Vasilka (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 7CB8295D360EBDA076E2F35D2D4BAC2C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/827cc81e-5c0a-4aeb-8a84-de08f905dffd

Definicija investicije v mednarodnem investicijskem sporazumu je ključ do pravnega varstva, ki iz slednjega izhaja. V različnih mednarodnih investicijskih sporazumih poznamo različne definicije investicije. Te so lahko širše ali ožje, lahko so usmerjene v specifično področje ali pa bolj splošne. Če hočemo ugotoviti, ali določena mednarodna transakcija ustreza kriteriju investicije v mednarodnem investicijskem sporazumu, je treba poseči po pravilih in praksi razlag. Arbitražna praksa je v konkretnih situacijah že izoblikovala smernice razlage pojma investicije, vendar dejstvo, da je arbitražne prakse precej, ne pomeni, da je ta tudi stabilna in enotna. Magistrsko diplomsko delo analizira mejo med mednarodnimi trgovinskimi transakcijami in investicijami in obravnava ustrezne kriterije, na podlagi katerih bi bilo neodvisno od definicije v mednarodnem sporazumu mogoče presoditi, ali je določena transakcija investicija ali pa samo mednarodna trgovinska transakcija. Hipoteza je, da preširoka razlaga pojma investicije lahko ogrozi sistem investicijske arbitraže. Prvi del naloge je namenjen obravnavi izvora potrebe po varstvu investicij, v drugem delu pa sledi analiza pojma investicije in oblik njene definicije v sporazumih med državami. Nato se skozi arbitražno prakso opredelim do težnje po njeni koherentnosti. Zadnji del je namenjen obravnavi razmerja med investicijsko in gospodarsko arbitražo in transakcijami slednjih dveh institucij ter vprašanju dolžnosti postavitve meje med njima. Zaključim s tezo, da lahko neenotna praksa investicijske arbitraže in preširoko razlaganje investicij posledično pripelje do izgube namena institucije investicijske arbitraže.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Mednarodni investicijski sporazum, investicija, mednarodna trgovinska transakcija, mednarodna investicijska arbitraža.
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96429 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:15797585 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:02.10.2017
Število ogledov:2131
Število prenosov:567
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The line between Investments and International Commercial Transactions in International Investment law
Definition of investment in international investment treaties is the key to the legal protection under the treaty. In various international investment agreements, there are different definitions of investment. These may be broader or narrower; they may be oriented in a specific area, or more general. If we want to determine whether a given transaction meets the criterion of international investment in the international investment agreement, it is necessary to resort to the rules and practice of interpretation. Arbitration practice has formed guidelines for interpretation of the term investment through extensive practice. However, extensive judicial practice does not mean that it is stable and unified. This master's thesis is aimed to analyze the line between international commercial transactions and investments and deal with the relevant criteria, based on which we would be able to, independent from the definition set in the bilateral investment agreement, assess whether a transaction is an investment, or just international commercial transaction. The hypothesis of this thesis is that too broad interpretation of the concept of investment can threaten the system of investment arbitration. The first part is aimed at addressing the origin of the need to protect investments. The second part analyzes the concept of investment and shapes of its definition in the international investment agreements. Then I address the practice of arbitration awards in investment arbitration and the tendency of its coherence. The last part is aimed at discussion of the relationship between investment and commercial arbitration and transactions that the latter two institutions govern and at addressing the question of who has the responsibility to set the line between them. I conclude with a finding that incoherent investment arbitration practice and too broad interpretation of the term investment could consequently lead to a loss of purpose for which investment arbitration was created.

Ključne besede:Bilateral investment treaty, investment, international commercial transaction, international investment arbitration.

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