
ID DENIĆ, ANELA (Avtor), ID Kozjek, Tatjana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 580160EDD4E5BF9802F6C9D0A557DFAD
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/85c3a647-6965-49f8-9d05-381a8c78b7de

Za zaposlovanje je zaradi zahtevnosti postopka potrebna strokovnost službe za ravnanje z ljudmi pri delu. Preden se organizacija odloči za objavo razpisa, je treba določiti potrebo po kadru in opraviti analizo dela. S pomočjo analize dela se oblikujeta profil zaposlenega in profil delovnega mesta. Strokovni sodelavec kadrovske službe je zadolžen, da izbere najustreznejšega kandidata glede na oblikovani profil zaposlenega. Pri izbiri si običajno pomaga s selekcijskimi postopki (kadrovski vprašalnik, intervju, delovni preizkus, psihološki testi itd.), ki jih mora poznati in znati uporabljati. Po končni izbiri sledi uvajanje novo zaposlenega. Organizacija določi mentorja, ki je zadolžen za uvajanje v delo, po končanem uvajanju poda tudi svojo oceno. Po zaključenem postopku uvajanja se s pomočjo ocene mentorja ugotovi, ali je bil zaposlen kandidat, ki je bil najustreznejši za prosto delovno mesto. Ugotovi se tudi, ali je bil postopek zaposlovanja pravilno in strokovno izpeljan. Raziskava, v kateri je bilo ugotovljeno, kako poteka postopek zaposlovanja, je bila izvedena v organizaciji Acroni, d. o. o. Uporabljena je bila metoda anketiranja in strukturiranega intervjuja. Anketni vprašalnik je bil namenjen zaposlenim, intervju je bil izveden s strokovnima sodelavkama v kadrovski službi. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da je v današnjem času treba uporabiti več selekcijskih metod pri izbiri najustreznejših kandidatov, saj je povpraševanje za zaposlitev veliko. V organizaciji nimajo posebej zaposlenih ljudi za uvajanje novih sodelavcev, temveč so za to zadolženi zaposleni, ki s pomočjo vodje oddelka podajo oceno o ustreznosti novo zaposlenega. Pri izbiri najboljšega kandidata so posebej pozorni na njegovo izobrazbo in delovne izkušnje, na razgovoru pa govorijo tudi o znanjih, kompetencah, hobijih ipd. Trajanje razgovora je odvisno od zahtevnosti razpisanega prostega mesta. Pri končni odločitvi za izbiro kandidata so vključeni vodje oddelkov, strokovna sodelavka kadrovske službe in velikokrat tudi direktor sektorja.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:zaposlovanje, zaposleni, organizacija, analiza dela, selekcijski postopki, profil delovnega mesta, profil zaposlenega
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FU - Fakulteta za upravo
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96291 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:28.09.2017
Število ogledov:1938
Število prenosov:951
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
The recruitment process is demanding, and therefore requires the expertise of the Human Resource Management Service. Before an organization chooses to carry out a recruitment process, it is necessary to determine the need for personnel and to analyse the work. Using the analysis, the employee’s profile and job’s profile are formed. An expert human resource officer is in charge of selecting the most suitable candidate for the formed worker’s profile from the plurality of applicants. When choosing, they can use different methods and techniques (personnel questionnaire, work test, job interview, psychological tests etc.) that they must know and be able to use. After the final selection, a new employee needs to be put into work in a qualitative manner. Organization appoints a mentor, who is charge of introducing the candidate to the work. Upon completion of the deployment process, it is determined whether the recruitment process was properly and professionally carried out, and whether the chosen candidate was the most suitable candidate for a vacant job. The research, the purpose of which was to determine the recruitment process, was conducted in the organization Acroni d.o.o. We used a method of questionnaire and structured interview. The first survey questionnaire was intended for employees, while structured interview was conducted with two human resource officers. In the survey, we found out that in today’s time it is necessary to use several selection methods in selection of the most suitable candidates, since the demand for employment is high. There are no employees in the organization for introducing new employees to work, but other employees are responsible for this, who at the end, with the help of the department manager, assess the suitability of the new employee. When choosing the best candidate, they pay particular attention to candidate’s education and work experience, and at the interview they also talk about skills, competencies, hobbies etc. The duration of the interview depends on the complexity of the vacancy. The final decision on the selection of the candidate involves the heads of departments, the expert human resource officer and, in many cases, the director of the sector.

Ključne besede:employment, employees, organization, work analysis, selection procedures, job profile, employee’s profile

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