This thesis presents the European social model and its four sub-models, which are present in the Member States of European Union. The emphasis is on social security, its development, purpose and areas of social exclusion in Slovenia and Sweden. The European social model and its sub-models determine the values, which are based on the preservation of peace, social justice, equality and solidarity, the promotion of freedom and democracy and respect for human rights. With these values, countries are striving to achieve better social regulation and social welfare of the population. Social welfare allow us, through social protection, which comprises social security, insurance and assistance and provides public and private transfers to the poor, vulnerable and neglected groups of people with, single or installment refund. Despite the fact that the right to social protection is a fundamental human right, is that right unfulfilled for the most majority of the world's population. The help was neither the phenomenon of economic, financial and social crisis in the end of the last decade, which has resulted in a decline in jobs, lowering the standard of living and an increase in the unemployment rate. With the reforms of the European social model systems slowly regenerate.
Analysis of social protection expenditure, on the basis of data that already exist in both countries, revealed wich specific area of social exclusion is most covered and which country pays more income exclusion for poverty reduction and lowering the number of socially vulnerable populations. It turns out that the Swedish social policy and consequent social protection is, in the final respect, more favorable to beneficiaries than in Slovenia. The conclusion was, more than not, as expected.