
Modeli preiskovalnega postopka
ID Brus, Matevž (Avtor), ID Gorkič, Primož (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 72CE071E7D2E3D01461D472DAE803159
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a0d72af5-21fa-4954-afbf-640283982121

Preiskovalni postopek je faza kazenskega postopka, ki se začne s prvo informacijo o kaznivem dejanju in katere namen je, da se zbere gradivo, ki bo v zaključku preiskovanja organu pregona omogočalo pravilno odločitev, ali postopek ustaviti ali ga nadaljevati z obtožbo. Države za dosego tega cilja predvidevajo različne ureditve, pri čemer se razlikujejo glede na položaj in pooblastila posameznih subjektov postopka. Te pa so delno odvisne od tipa kazenskega postopka, vnesenega v procesnopravno ureditev države. Na tej podlagi lahko prepoznamo preiskovalni postopek, ki je urejen v Angliji, kjer sta funkciji preiskovanja in pregona popolnoma ločeni ter preiskavo vodi in izvaja policija. Nadalje poznamo model preiskovalnega postopka, ki je urejen na primer v Nemčiji in Italiji, kjer je dominus litis preiskave državni tožilec, vendar je sama narava preiskovalnega postopka odvisna od tega, koliko si tožilec v praksi lahko podredi delovanje policije. Predstavnica tretjega modela pa je Slovenija, kjer je preiskovalni postopek razdeljen v dve fazi: predkazenski postopek, ki ga vodi državni tožilec in sodno preiskavo, kjer je za izvedbo pristojen preiskovalni sodnik. Vendar modeli preiskovalnega postopka niso odvisni zgolj od ureditve položaja organov preiskovanja in pregona, temveč se je treba za celovito presojo narave postopka opredeliti tudi do položaja osebe, zoper katero se vodi preiskava, in vloge sodišča.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:preiskovalni postopek, učinkovitost, človekove pravice, policija, državni tožilec, obramba, sodnik, Slovenija, Anglija, Italija, Nemčija
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96190 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:15803217 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:26.09.2017
Število ogledov:2895
Število prenosov:701
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Models of investigation procedure
The investigation procedure is a phase of the criminal process which begins with notitia criminis. Its purpose is gathering evidence that will at the end of investigations enable the prosecutorial body to make the correct decision whether to stop the procedures or continue with the prosecution. To achieve this goal, states provide for different systems, which differ according to the position and powers of the individual subjects of the procedure. These are to some extent dependent on the type of criminal procedure that is introduced into the state's legal system. On this basis, we can recognize the model of the investigation procedure that is regulated in England, where the investigative and prosecutorial functions are completely separated and the investigations are led by the police. Furthermore we recognize the model of investigation procedure that is regulated, e.g. in Germany and Italy, where the dominus litis of the investigations is the state prosecutor, but the nature of the procedure itself is dependent on the extent to which the prosecutor can – in practice –subordinate the police. A representative of the third model is Slovenia, where the investigation procedure is divided into two stages: preliminary proceedings, which are led by the state prosecutor, and judicial investigation, where the investigating judge is responsible for the investigations. However, models of the investigation procedure are not dependent solely on the regulation of the position of the investigating and prosecuting authorities, but on the purpose of the overall assessment of the nature of the procedure, and on the position of the person against whom the investigation is being conducted, and the position of the judge.

Ključne besede:investigative stage, efficiency, human rights, police, public prosecutor, defence, judge, Slovenia, England, Italy, Germany

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