
Odnos uporabnikov restavracije Pedagoške fakultete do odgovornega ravnanja s hrano
ID Krištof, Anja (Avtor), ID Kostanjevec, Stojan (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Erjavšek, Martina (Komentor)

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4744/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Problem zavržene hrane je pereč in po svetu zelo aktualen. Zavržena hrana se pojavlja pri pridelovalcih, predelovalcih, v gospodinjstvih, trgovinah, restavracijah, šolah in drugih ustanovah, kjer strežejo hrano. Pomembno je ozaveščanje družbe o posledicah zavržene hrane, zato sem v diplomskem delu ugotavljala odnos študentov in dijakov do zavržene hrane ter njihovo zadovoljstvo s hrano v restavraciji na Pedagoški fakulteti. Raziskala sem vzroke za zavrženo hrano in pridobila predloge študentov ter dijakov za zmanjšanje količine zavržene hrane. Pri raziskovanju sem uporabila deskriptivno metodo ter kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 60 študentov Pedagoške fakultete Ljubljana z različnih študijskih smeri ter 59 dijakov Srednje vzgojiteljske šole in Gimnazije, prav tako v Ljubljani. Ugotovila sem, da so tako dijaki kot študentje srednje zadovoljni s hrano v restavraciji na Pedagoški fakulteti. V primeru nezadovoljstva najpogosteje izpostavljajo okus in splošno tehnološko kakovost hrane. Ugotovila sem, da so vzroki, da študentje ne pojedo celotnega obroka večinoma povezani s preveliko porcijo, medtem ko so dijaki mnenja, da vse hrane ne pojedo zaradi zaznavanja sitosti. Dijaki običajno pojedo vso hrano na krožniku, medtem ko jo študentje pogosteje puščajo na krožniku. Študentje in dijaki predlagajo, da bi lahko zmanjšali količino zavržene hrane z zmanjšanjem količine ponujene hrane na krožniku, kar pomeni, da bi na razdelilnem pultu bolj pogosto lahko izbirali velikost porcije. Ocenjujejo, da bi uporabnike prehranskih storitev o problemu zavržene hrane lahko ozaveščali s predavanji, učinkovita bi bila tudi možnost, da bi bile uporabnikom storitev na voljo posode za shranjevanje hrane, ki je ne pojedo v celoti, ali pa se ostanki hrane, ki so uporabni, razdelijo med tiste, ki hrano potrebujejo. Pomembna je tudi komunikacija med ponudnikom in uporabnikom prehranskih storitev, kar pripomore k temu, da se manj pogosto ponuja manj zaželena hrana. Ozaveščanje o zavrženi hrani je po šolah in fakultetah vse bolj aktualno. Glede na rezultate raziskave ocenjujem, da so dijaki in študentje dobro ozaveščeni o posledicah zavržene hrane, študenti nekoliko bolj. Ocenjujem, da bi z ustrezno organizacijo in ponudbo prehrane lahko vplivali na količino ostankov hrane, pomembne so tudi akcije ozaveščanja, ki spodbujajo dijake in študente k odgovornemu ravnanju s hrano.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:zavržena hrana
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95938 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:11732809 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:28.09.2017
Število ogledov:1274
Število prenosov:291
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The Faculty of education restaurant consumers' attitude towards the responsible treatment of food
Food waste is a burning issue all over the world. Different producers, households, shops, restaurants, schools and other food offering venues face this problem. It is important to raise the society’s awareness about the consequences of food waste. In my diploma work I tried to establish the secondary school students and the students of the Faculty of Education attitude towards food and the level of their satisfaction with the faculty restaurant food. I have researched the reasons for the food waste and gathered students’ suggestions on how to reduce its amount. In my research, I have used a descriptive method and a quantitative approach. There were 60 students of the Faculty of Education and 59 secondary school students of the Pre-school Teacher Training Secondary School participating in my research. The research showed a moderate level of student’s satisfaction with the food in the restaurant at the Faculty of Education. The main reasons in case of dissatisfaction are according to students the taste and general food quality. I discovered that one of the main reasons for food waste are large portions but the students claimed the reason for not finishing the meal was the feeling of satiety. The secondary school students usually finish their meals whereas the college students more often leave some food on their plates. They have both suggested that food waste could be reduced by giving them smaller portions which means they should be able to choose the size of the meal at the self-service counter. They also proposed that users of food services could be educated about food waste problem through various lectures and education programs. They suggested the use of available food containers for the left-overs and extra food that could be given to those who are in need. Communication between the service providers and users is also very important as it can greatly reduce the number of times when less desired foods are offered. The awareness about discarded food is increasingly rising in schools and colleges. According to the results of my research, I estimated that secondary school students and college students are both conscious of the consequences of discarded food with college students being slightly more aware of the problem. My estimation is that the amount of food waste can be reduced by careful planning and management of offered foods. Different projects that would raise the awareness about food waste among the student population are also very important.

Ključne besede:food waste

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