
Vrednotenje modela medpredmetnega povezovanja spoznavanja okolja in umetnosti z vidika razvoja mišljenja pri prvošolcih
ID Jurca, Ana (Avtor), ID Umek, Maja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Geršak, Vesna (Komentor)

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4736/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

V učnem načrtu za spoznavanje okolja je med splošnimi cilji zapisano, da učenci pri pouku spoznavanja okolja razvijajo spoznavno področje, ki vključuje razvijanje procesov, sposobnosti in postopkov, v povezavi z njim pa tudi celostno (sopomenka kompleksno) mišljenje. Celostno mišljenje nam omogoča dojemanje stvari, pojavov in dogajanja kot medsebojno povezanih elementov celote. To mišljenje ne temelji na linearnih zaporedjih, temveč na mreži povezav, prepletenosti in medsebojni odvisnosti delov, ki tvorijo celoto. Podobno bi lahko opisali sistemsko mišljenje, ki prav tako omogoča povezovanje elementov v celoto, pomaga razumeti vzročno-posledične povezave v našem življenju. Razvoj celostnega, sistemskega mišljenja pri učencih lahko razvijamo z različnimi učnimi pristopi, ki poudarjajo celostni razvoj otroka. V magistrskem delu smo vrednotili model medpredmetnega povezovanja spoznavanja okolja in umetnosti z vidika razvoja mišljenja pri učencih. Medpredmetno povezovanje je temeljilo na temi »tovarne«. Vrednotili smo primernost metod ustvarjalnega giba in lutk ter ogleda razstave in pedagoškega dela v Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana pri razvoju celostnega, sistemskega mišljenja pri učencih. V raziskavo smo vključili učence prvega razreda namensko izbrane osnovne šole, ki so izbrano temo o ljubljanskih tovarnah spoznali z ogledom razstave in pedagoškim delom v muzeju ter z uporabo metode ustvarjalnega giba in lutke pri pouku. Od učencev, vključenih v raziskavo, smo pridobili in analizirali risbe in rezultate prirejanja sličic na temo »tovarne« (pred pričetkom obravnave teme, po ogledu razstave v Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana in po zaključeni obravnavi teme). Izvedli smo tudi intervju z učenci. Pregledali in analizirali smo učne priprave izvedenih učnih ur in načrtovane dejavnosti v Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana. Raziskava je bila kvalitativna in kvantitativna, uporabljeni sta bili deskriptivna in kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda. Izsledki raziskave so pokazali, da so bile uporabljene metode učinkovite in primerne za učence prvega razreda osnovne šole ter da omogočajo razvoj višjih oblik mišljenja. Iz zbranih podatkov smo namreč ugotovili, da so učenci napredovali tako v razvoju sistemskega kot celostnega mišljenja. Pregled je v pomoč učiteljem pri načrtovanju izvedbe pouka v prvem razredu osnovne šole, še posebej učiteljem, ki v pouk večkrat vključujejo metodo ustvarjalnega giba in uporabo lutk.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:medpredmetno povezovanje
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95899 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:11731273 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:25.09.2017
Število ogledov:1707
Število prenosov:233
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Model evaluation of integrating the subjects of environmental studies and art from the first grader mindset´s point of view
In the curriculum for the environmental studies it is written among the general objectives that pupils during the environmental studies lessons develop a cognitive field that includes developing processes, abilities, and procedures, and also, in connection with it integrated (synonym complex) thinking. Integrated thinking enables us to comprehend things, phenomena, and actions as interconnected elements of the whole. This thinking is not based on linear sequences, but on a network of connections, interlacing and interdependence of parts which form the whole. Similarly, the systemic thinking could be described which also enables connecting the elements into the whole, helps to understand cause-and-effect connections in our life. The development of integrated systemic thinking in pupils enables could be developed by various learning approaches which stress the integrated development of a child. In the master’s thesis, we evaluated a model of cross-curricular integration of the environmental studies and arts from the perspective of the development of thinking in pupils. Cross-curricular integration was based on the topic of a “factory”. We valued the appropriateness of the methods of the creative movement and puppets as well as seeing the performance and educational work at the City Museum of Ljubljana in the development of integrated systemic thinking in pupils. In the research, we included the pupils of the first grade of purposely selected elementary school, who became acquainted with the selected topic on factories in Ljubljana by seeing the exhibition and educational work in the museum by using the method of creative movement and a puppet during the lessons. We gained and analyzed the drawings and the results of adaptations of the pictures on the topic of a “factory” of the pupils, included in the exhibition (before the beginning of the discussion of the topic, after seeing the exhibition in the City Museum of Ljubljana, and after the concluded discussion of the topic). We also performed an interview with the pupils. We checked and analyzed the learning preparations of the performed lessons and the planned activity in the City Museum of Ljubljana. The research was qualitative and quantitative. Descriptive and causal-non-experimental methods were used. The results of the research showed that the used methods were efficient and appropriate for the pupils of the first grade of the elementary school and that the methods enable the development of higher forms of thinking. On the basis of the selected data, we namely ascertained that the pupils made progress in the development of the systemic and integrated thinking as well. The overview is of assistance to teachers in planning the performance of lessons in the first grade of the elementary school, especially the teachers who include the method of creative movement and the use of dolls in lessons on several occasions.

Ključne besede:cross-curricular integration

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