Administrative law is an independent legal branch, which is despite its youth very widely spread among the several fields of law and is therefore instrumental in the functioning of the whole Public sector. Its roots can be found in the French revolution during the 18th century, which also caused the formation of the concept “rule of law” as well as the principle of legality, which is very important for administrative operations.
Administrative law provides legal certainty for entities in cases where they are in a state of subordination to state authorities. Legal acts that are part of our legal system are governed by administrative law, which regulates the functioning of public administration. Public administration is the executive body of our state, which takes care of the implementation of the administrative system and takes care of exercising the public interest and is thus inseparable from administrative law.
In the short existence of our legal order, the public administration has changed and developed in several waves of modernization that begin with our independence, entry into the EU and continue through the period of the economic crisis and the period of digitalization. In the future, we will benefit from the increasing influence of smart technology on our society, the state and, of course, also on the management, which will contribute to the further development of administrative law.