
Individualni treningi za izboljšanje gibalnih sposobnosti nogometaša : diplomsko delo
ID Gračner, Karlo (Author), ID Majerič, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pocrnjič, Marko (Comentor)

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MD5: BAAF9FD34E41557E4B27D56F50B3E4DF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9b9359b4-3e14-4c97-9c62-b2adbef10e15

V sodobnem nogometu so gibalne sposobnosti tiste, ki v največji meri odločajo o modelu igre določene ekipe. S tega vidika je model igre odvisen od dobre temeljne kondicijske priprave vseh članov ekipe pa tudi od specialne individualne priprave vsakega posameznika. Prav zato vrhunske ekipe vse večji poudarek namenjajo individualnim treningom nogometašev, ki so ciljno usmerjeni na razvoj specialnih sposobnosti, ki jih zahtevajo njihova igralna mesta. Tako so individualni treningi v celoti prilagojeni značilnostim in sposobnostim posameznika pa tudi posebnostim ekipe. Na ta način je bolj kot kratkoročna, pomembna dolgoročna strategija razvoja posameznika. Zaradi teh opažanj v nogometni praksi, je bil cilj diplomskega dela sestaviti model za načrtovanje individualnih treningov nogometašev, ki bi trenerjem omogočil lažje načrtovanje in bolj strokovno izvajanje treningov za razvoj njihovih specialnih gibalnih sposobnosti. Pri tem smo upoštevali, da mora imeti vrhunski nogometaš dobro razvite vse temeljne gibalne sposobnosti: moč, hitrost, gibljivost, natančnost, ravnotežje in koordinacijo. Stopnja specialne razvitosti in nogometno specifične gibalne sposobnosti pa morajo biti prilagojene igralni vlogi nogometaša. Igralna vloga namreč določa vsebino individualnih treningov, zato je pri individualni obravnavi igralca le-ta najpomembnejši dejavnik. Drugi dejavniki, ki odločajo o vsebini individualnih treningov so še starost, stopnja treniranosti v povezavi z razvojno stopnjo igralca, obdobje v tekmovalni sezoni ter funkcionalno stanje nogometaša v povezavi z razvitostjo njegovih gibalnih sposobnosti. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili model za načrtovanje individualnih treningov nogometašev. Na podlagi analize in ugotovitev sklepamo, da bi lahko trenerji z uporabo modela za načrtovanje individualnih treningov nogometašev bolj sistematično načrtovali individualne treninge posameznikov, zaradi tega pa bi bila lahko izvedba treningov bolj strokovna in učinkovita.

Keywords:individualni treningi, gibalne sposobnosti, nogomet
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95775 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5257905 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Individual training regime for the improvement of motor abilities in soccer players
In modern football, motor skills are the ones that decide to the maximum on the model of the game of a given team. From this point of view, the model of the game depends on the good basic conditioning preparation of all members of the team as well as the individual preparation of each individual. This is why top teams are increasingly focusing on individual training of football players who are targeted at the development of special skills required by their gaming sites. Thus individual trainings are fully adapted to the characteristics and abilities of the individual as well as to the special features of the team. Due to these observations in football practice, the aim of the diploma work was to draw up a model for the design of individual football training, which would enable trainers to plan and train more professionally to develop their special abilities. In this regard, we took into account that the top footballer must have well developed all the basic motor skills – power, speed, flexibility, accuracy, balance and coordination. The level of special development and socio-specific motor skills must be adapted to the playing role of the football player. The playing role determines the content of individual training, therefore, in the individual treatment of the player, this is the most important factor. Other factors that decide on the content of individual training are age, level of training in connection with player's stage development, period in the competition season and the functional state of the football player in connection with the development of his physical skills. In diploma thesis we presented a model for planning individual football training. Based on the analysis and findings, we conclude that the trainers could use the model for planning individual training of football players to plan individual training more systematically, which would make the training more professional and efficient.

Keywords:individual training, motor abilities, soccer

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