In this B. Sc. thesis we investigate nutrition characteristics of wild boar and its effect on forestall ecosystem. Wild boar is omnivorous and mostly consumes vegetable food. Large part of his nutrition consists of crops, such as chestnuts, beechnuts and acorns. When these crops are not available, feeding with other concentrate feeds is needed for wild boar, especially with maize grain. Beside concentrate food wild boars have to consume fodder and juicy feeds, which they can get by pasturing of green plants and with fruits and roots. They eat small animals and carrion, too. Farming in an enclosure represents challenge for breeder, how to turn the best out of restricted area and at the same time to reduce impoverished environment. In this B.Sc. thesis we represent how to ensure suitable living conditions in enclosures to cover the needs of wild boar to express its natural behaviour. Steps to animal welfare are settlements of enriched environmental conditions. Beside the bushes and various vegetation, which are used as hiding place, the mud baths are indispensable, which help wild boars to fight against pests.