Represented work focuses on fluid bed system, which bases on particles fluidization phenomena where critical elements are distribution plate and particles undergoing fluidization process. Determination of density and mean diameter of particles show us that investigated powder fall under Geldarts A category, meanwhile pellets particles are considered as a group C. The work further focuses on analysis of pressure drop through fluidized bed and through distribution plate. Pressure drop through powder particles is lower due to pellets, for average value 114 Pa. For limited measuring area for pellets show small deviations, up to 150 Pa of measured values from values determined with represented equations. In contrary, in case of powder, differences among measured and calculated results were more that thousand pascals. Minimal fluidization velocities for pellets determined experimentally very between 1,4 and 4 m/s comparable with values from equations which give us values between 0,035 do 0,43 m/s. Based on regression analysis, new coefficients 0,417 and 1,089 of Ergun equation are represented.