
Športni dan: drsanje za vrtce, osnovne in srednje šole : diplomsko delo
ID Irgolič, Ilona (Author), ID Burnik, Stojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2181f712-bfd5-4823-a30d-4a32572a5fd6

V diplomski nalogi smo prikazali model drsalnega športnega dne za vrtce, osnovno in srednjo šolo. Predstavili smo zgodovino drsanja, pravila na drsališču in ustrezno opremo. Strukturo poteka športnega dne smo razdelili na dva sklopa. Prvi predstavlja elemente, vaje, naloge in igre za vrtce in prvo triado osnovne šole, drugi pa elemente, vaje, naloge in igre za drugo in tretjo triado osnovne šole ter srednje šole. V vsakega od sklopov smo vključili drsalne elemente in vaje, prilagojene starostni skupini. Opisali smo jih od začetnega do končnega položaja in jim dodali igre za popestritev in ponavljanje že naučenega. Osredotočili smo se tudi na dopolnilne in dodatne naloge, ki jih lahko izvajamo za izboljšanje drsanja ali pa jih uporabimo kot sredstvo, s katerim lažje pridemo do končnega cilja oziroma naučenega elementa. K temu smo dodali še predstavitev težjih in lažjih drsalnih elementov, vaj ter dodatnih in dopolnilnih nalog. Diplomsko delo je bilo napisano predvsem na osnovi lastnih dolgoletnih izkušenj na področju drsanja. Namenjeno je vsem, ki potrebujejo pomoč pri izpeljavi športnega dne ali šole drsanja ali pa le iščejo ideje za popestritev drsanja, oziroma želijo svoje drsanje dopolniti oziroma nadgraditi.

Keywords:drsanje, oprema, igre, elementi, dopolnilne in dodatne naloge
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95301 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5255345 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Sports day: ice skating for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools
In the diploma thesis we introduced a model of an ice skating sports day for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. We also presented the history of ice skating, the rules on the ice rink, and the appropriate ice skating equipment. The aim of the work was to find out how to make a sports day for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools fun but instructive at the same time. Moreover, we presented harder and simpler ice skating elements, exercises, and additional and supplementary tasks. We divided the structure of a sports day into two sections. In the first one we presented elements, exercises, tasks, and games for kindergartens and the first triad of primary school, while in the second one we covered elements, exercises, tasks, and games for the second and third triads of primary school and secondary school. Each of the two sections contains ice skating elements and exercises, suitable for that age group. We described them from the initial to the final position, and added games for the enrichment and practice of the already learned. We also focused on the supplementary and additional tasks that can be performed to improve ice skating or used as a way to reach the final goal or element easier. The diploma thesis was written primarily from many years of personal experience in the field of ice skating. It is dedicated to anyone who needs help with planning a sports day or ice skating school or is looking for ideas to make ice skating more interesting. It is also dedicated to those who want to improve their ice skating.

Keywords:ice skating, equipment, games, elements, supplementary and additional tasks

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