Introduction: Suicide and suicidal behavior represent a major public health problem. Rarely suicide occurs among children but among adolescents we recorded about 20 suicides a year. Suicidal behavior is a process that includes different forms, which include thoughts of death, suicidal ideation, suicidal threats, parasuicidal pause, self-injurious behavior, interrupted suicide attempt, suicide attempt and suicide. The reason for the suicide is not known, most often is caused by risk factors and personal vulnerability. There is a million people which commit suicide each year. Slovenia belongs to most suicidal vulnerable countries. Medical personnel plays a key role in identifying, preventing and treating suicidal behavior. Consequences of the most dangerous forms of suicidal behavior are medical, psychological, developmental, social and many others. Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to present suicidal behavior and the role of nurses in the medical treatment of a patient with suicidal behavior. Methods: In this thesis we used descriptive method with a systematic review of the scientific and technical literature in the field of psychiatry and medical care in the period from 2007 to 2017. To search the literature we used Slovenian bibliographic and catalog databases (COBIB.SI) and foreign databases CINAHL, Medline and PubMed and professional journals Reviews nursing, psychological horizons and Medical Journal. Discussion and conclusion: In this thesis we find that a patient with suicidal behavior has problems in all basic life activities. In order to know how to properly assess patient nurses need knowledge. Physiological and psychological signs of suicidal behavior affects the patient's everyday functioning and therefore they cannot meet their basic needs. From the articles we found that the highest priority of the health care is the protection of patient. Psychiatric nurses must have a solid basis for the approach to risk reduction and prevention of suicide. Most suicides could be prevented timely if we would recognize suicidal threats and properly react. For proper identification of suicidal behavior is necessary to know the symptoms of suicidal behavior and risk factors. With a review of the literature, we found how much is important work of nurses with people who are prone to suicidal behavior create.