This thesis presents the role of the goalkeeper in the handball team, the skills that the goalkeeper needs for his successful performance and the basics of goalkeeping technique. The handball goalkeeper's duties do not incorporate only goalkeeper activities inside the 6m line, as the goalkeeper actively participates in the game outside of it as well. Handball rules referring to the goalkeeper are presented in the introduction as they strongly influence the the goalkeepers activities during the match. Changes to the rules in 2016 gave goalkeepers some new, different tasks. Some views on the goalkeeper's role and handball goalkeeper training are also presented in the introduction.
The motor, anthropometric and psychosocial abilities that have the greatest influence on the successful operations of the handball goalkeeper are also defined. Identifying these skills is important, so they can be developed in the training process.
The basic techniques of goalkeeping containing the basic goalkeeper positioning, the goalkeeper's movement in front of the goal, saving of low-targeted shots, saving of medium-high-targeted shots and saving of high-targeted shots are described, presented and shown. The basic positioning and saving of shots from the wing, shots from 9m and shots from the 6m line is also presented, described and shown.
The problem of selecting young players for the role of the goalkeeper is also highlighted, as this selection is often done incompetently and incorrect in practice.
When creating the work, the main sources were books, articles and other theses on this subject.