
Analiza parametrov delovnega okolja v ortotični in protetični delavnici : študija primera
ID Besal, Tina (Avtor), ID Jereb, Gregor (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina (Komentor)

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MD5: B8440A75F095E5BAB7A179AEAD670A18
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ac9a26b8-7f13-4283-83bb-e59e82521137

Uvod: Hiter razvoj področja ortotike in protetike in uporaba novih materialov in postopkov izdelave lahko privede tudi do novih tveganj za zdravje delavcev v ortotičnih in protetičnih delavnicah. Namen: S pomočjo meritev fizikalnih in kemičnih parametrov delovnega okolja smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšne so vrednosti parametrov ter kateri ukrepi so potrebni za morebitno izboljšanje delovnega okolja. Metode dela: V dveh izbranih delavnicah za ortotiko in protetiko smo izvedli meritve mikroklime, hrupa, osvetljenosti, koncentracije prašnih delcev in koncentracije CO2. Določili smo posamezna merilna mesta in izvedli meritve s petimi različnimi merilnimi inštrumenti. Dobljene vrednosti smo primerjali z mejno vrednostjo in ugotavljali, ali ustrezajo zahtevam. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da v obeh delavnicah vrednosti meritev mikroklimatskih pogojev ustrezajo predpisanim zahtevam, neustrezna je samo temperatura v zasebnem centru OP v etaži 1, ki znaša 17 ºC. Ravni hrupa presegajo mejno raven izpostavljenosti 87 dB v obeh delavnicah na merilnih mestih pri uporabi vbodne žage in kompresorja. Koncentracija prašnih delcev je pri večini merilnih mest nižja od mejne vrednosti 6 mg/m³, večje koncentracije pa so bile na mestu, kjer se brusi poliuretan in reže mavec. Koncentracija CO2 v laboratoriju na ZF znaša 680 ppm, v izbranem centru OP pa med 502 ppm in 1708 ppm, kar je manj od mejne vrednosti 5000 ppm. Glede na dobljene rezultate PMV in PPD so bolj toplotno ugodni pogoji v zasebnem centru ortotike in protetike. V laboratoriju na ZF indeks PMV presega zahtevano mejo na polovici merilnih mest. V izbranem centru ortotike in protetike je indeks PMV zunaj meje v prostoru D in v ambulantni sobi. Razprava in sklep: Ugotovili smo, da ob uporabi obdelovalnih strojev, vbodnih žag in kompresorjev lahko ravni hrupa dosežejo vrednosti, ki so nevarne za poškodbo sluha. Da bi dobili dejansko stanje dnevne izpostavljenosti hrupu, bi bilo potrebno ponoviti meritve z osebnimi dozimetri. Delovni pogoji so sicer primerni in so si podobni v obeh delavnicah. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov svetujemo uporabo osebne varovalne opreme za zaščito sluha in dihal.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:meritve, delovno okolje, hrup, mikroklima, osvetljenost, prah, ogljikov dioksid
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94897 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5302379 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:10.09.2017
Število ogledov:2768
Število prenosov:1445
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Analysis of physical and environmental hazards in the orthotics and prosthetics workshop : case report
Introduction: The rapid development of the field of orthotics and prosthetics and the use of new materials and manufacturing processes can lead to adverse short and long term consequences on the health. of workers in orthotics and prosthetics workshops. Purpose: The aim of the study was to measure the physical and chemical parameters of work environment and determine their values in order to propose necessary measures intended for the potential improvement of work environment. Methods: In two selected orthotics and prosthetics workshops measurements of microclimate, noise, illumination, dust concentration and carbon dioxide concentration were carried out. The measuring points were determined in advance and measurements with five different measuring instruments were recorded. The obtained values were then compared to the set limit values and the compliance with the formal requirements was checked. Results: The results show that in both workshops most of the obtained microclimate values are in accordance with the formal requirements. The temperature in the private O&P centre, however, was 17 ºC, which is unsuitable. Also, exposure to noise exceeded the limit of 87 dB in both workshops during the use of a saw blade and a compressor. The concentration of dust particles was lower than the limit value of 6 mg/m3 at most measuring points. Higher concentration was recorded at the measuring point where polyurethane and plaster were sanded and cut. The CO2 concentration at Faculty of Health Sciences laboratory was 680 ppm and the CO2 concentration between 502 ppm and 1708 ppm was detected at the private O&P center, which is still considerably lower than the 5000 ppm limit. Based on the PMV and PPD results, more favourable thermal conditions prevailed in the private center of O&P. At the Faculty of Health Sciences laboratory, the PMV required limit was exceeded at the half of the measuring points. In the private O&P centre, the PMV was above the limit in the section D and ambulatory care area. Discussion and conclusion: The data collected from the current study suggest that during the use of machine tools, exposure to high levels of occupational noise can reduce hearing acuity and may be detrimental to the health of orthotists and prosthetists. To acquire the actual daily noise exposure repeated measurements with personal dosimeters would be required. Working conditions were similar and seemed appropriate in both workshops. Based on the findings of this study, we recommend the use of the personal protective equipment for hearing and respiratory protection.

Ključne besede:measurements, working environment, noise, microclimate, illumination, dust, carbon dioxide

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