Thesis deals with issues of the Ad Futura scholarship for study abroad, which is determined by the Scholarship Act and according to the principle of subsidiarity, also by the General Administrative Procedure Act. The initial part of the thesis explains the meaning of mobility and scholarship for study abroad. The process of obtaining this Ad Futura scholarship is complex and takes some time. The analysis of the individual steps of the mentioned procedure underlines reasons in order to ensure equal rights for all the applicants why this procedure cannot be significantly shortened.
After obtaining the right for the Ad Futura scholarship for study abroad, the procedure continues with the signature of the contract between the scholarship holder and the Fund responsible for awarding it. One of the important features of this contract is the obligation of (self) employment of the scholarship holder with an employer based in the Republic of Slovenia after finished their studies. This obligation of employment significantly aims to form a highly trained and qualified personnel with public funding for economic and technological development of Slovenia. Moreover, obligation of employment helps also to reduce the brain drain in Slovenia.
The thesis examined also the key differences between Slovenia and the Netherlands in the field of study and scholarships. Both systems have some similarities. This is, however, not the only reason for some Slovenian students deciding to study in the Netherlands, but they often choose to study in the Netherlands because of the comparability of the system.