
ID KARLIN, ANJA (Author), ID Kovač, Polonca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2F4E5D7980E1B7D1C9FCABC971A004BC
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4d27ff77-bdec-4572-934b-deffc99f526c

Področje intelektualne lastnine je obsežno, kompleksno in zelo težko obvladljivo. Varstvo intelektualne lastnine je v interesu vsakemu imetniku določene pravice, po drugi strani pa je varovanje trga pred ponaredki in piratstvom ena od temeljnih nalog v javnem interesu. Področje ponarejanja in piratstva je eno izmed najdonosnejših področij organiziranega kriminala z neobvladljivi svetovnimi razsežnostmi. Pri uvozu blaga poteka strog nadzor nad potencialnim spornim blagom. Na tem mestu igrajo pomembno vlogo carinski organi, ki prvi pridejo v stik s potencialno spornim blagom. V magistrskem delu sta v prvem delu uporabljeni metodi deskripcije in kompilacije, ki opisujeta dejstva in povzemata stališča in mnenja različnih avtorjev. V analitičnem delu sta uporabljeni kvalitativna metoda intervjuja in statistična metoda, s pomočjo katerih je bila opravljena raziskava poročil tako na nacionalni kot mednarodni ravni. Delo razkriva obsežno področje intelektualne lastnine, zaznane kršitve, zaseženo število predmetov, tako na nacionalni kot na ravni EU. Osredotočenost temelji na uvoznih carinskih postopkih, kjer se blago uvaža v evropsko skupnost. Prikazani so razlogi za varovanje intelektualne lastnine in pozitivni vplivi, ki jih varstvo lahko prinese. Magistrsko delo je namenjeno predvsem seznanitvi o obsežnosti problematike ponarejanja in razkritju negativnih učinkov, ki nastanejo pri proizvodnji ponaredkov in pri nakupu le teh. Predstavljeni so segmenti, na katere moramo biti pozorni, kadar se odločamo za spletne nakupe, predvsem na mednarodni ravni. Ključne ugotovitve kažejo na to, da so postopki varovanja intelektualne lastnine, ki nastanejo na podlagi suma carinskega organa pri uvoznih postopkih, enotni za celotno skupnost. Vse države EU zaznavajo največ problematike pri uvozu blaga s Kitajske, od koder prihaja največ ponarejenega blaga. Ne pomeni vsaka zaznana kršitev intelektualne lastnine tudi dejanskega uničenja blaga, obstajajo izjeme. Tako evropska kot nacionalna zakonodaja določata, da stroške uničenja nosi imetnik pravice.

Keywords:intelektualna lastnina, prepovedi in omejitve, piratstvo in ponarejanje, znamka, sum kršitve, carinski organ, carinski postopek, uničenje blaga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94436 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis customs authorities in protection of intellectual property rights
The area of intellectual property is extensive, complex and very difficult to manage. Protection of intellectual property is in the interest of every right holder on the other hand market protection from counterfeit and pirated goods is one of fundamental tasks in the public interest. Area of counterfeit and pirated goods is one of the most profitable areas of organized crime with unmanageable global dimensions. During import procedure is running strict control over the potential controversial goods. At this place customer officers have very important role, because they have first contact with potentially disputed goods. In the first part of master’s thesis are used the method of description and compilation which describe the facts and summarize the views of other authors. The analytical part includes quantitative method of the interview and statistics method, through which the survey of reports was carried out both at national and international level. Work reveals extensive intellectual property area, perceived violations, seized number of objects, both at national and EU level. The focus is on import customs procedures where goods are imported into the Community. It shows the reasons for protecting intellectual property and the positive effects that protection can bring. The master's thesis is primarily to familiarize the extent of the problem of counterfeiting and the disclosure of the negative effects that arise in the production of counterfeits and buying them. Presented are the segments that we need to pay attention to when we decide on online purchases, especially at the international level. The key findings show that the procedures for the protection of intellectual property arising from the suspicion of the customs authority in the import procedures are uniform for the whole Community. All EU countries perceive the most problems with import goods from China, from which the most fake goods came from. Every perceived infringement of intellectual property, doesn't mean actual destruction of goods, there are exceptions. Both European and national legislation provide that the costs of destruction are borne by the right holder.

Keywords:intellectual property, prohibitions and restrictions, suspected of infringing, counterfeit and pirated goods, a trade mark, customs offices, destruction of goods

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