
Vpogled v stanje govornih nastopov vzgojiteljev in učiteljev razrednega pouka : magistrsko delo
ID Klopčič, Urška (Author), ID Petek, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/4571 This link opens in a new window

Predmet magistrskega dela se osredinja na področje govornih nastopov pedagoških delavcev – vzgojiteljev (predšolska vzgoja) in učiteljev (razredni pouk). Ozaveščenost o pomenu omenjene aktivnosti za vzgojno-izobraževalni proces pomembno vpliva na kakovost govornih nastopov v praksi, zato je pomembno ozaveščanje na tem področju in vrednotenje stanja oz. napredka. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen pojem javnega govornega nastopanja in umestitev tega v pedagoškem procesu. V nadaljevanju je govorno nastopanje opredeljeno še z opisom elementov z vidika retorike in jezikoslovja, opisana so merila za vrednotenje govornih nastopov ter povzeta številčno-opisna ocenjevalna lestvica za vrednotenje govornih nastopov vzgojiteljev in učiteljev razrednega pouka. Z raziskavo v empiričnem delu smo ugotovili, da se vzgojitelji in učitelji razrednega pouka zavedajo pomena visoko razvite zmožnosti uspešnega govornega nastopanja, ki pa ni tako dobro razvita, kot bi si želeli. Sodelujoči so v povprečju izrazito pozorni na njihov govorni ritem oz. hitrost govorjenja, izstopa pa tudi element vidnih nebesednih spremljevalcev govorjenja, ki pa mu pomembnost pripisujejo predvsem vzgojitelji. To potrjuje tudi ocena, ki temelji na številčno-opisni ocenjevalni lestvici. S pomočjo le-te pa smo ugotovili, da učitelji razrednega pouka skozi govorno nastopanje tvorijo slovnično pravilnejša besedila kot vzgojitelji. Nekatera področja govornega nastopanja so sodelujoči ocenili slabše, kot so v praksi zastopana, in druga boljše, zato so se med samooceno in oceno prek številčno-opisne ocenjevalne lestvice pojavila odstopanja, ki se kažejo predvsem na področju smiselno prisotne uporabe nebesednega jezika.

Keywords:številčno-opisna ocenjevalna lestvica, merila za vrednotenje govornega nastopanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[U. Klopčič]
Number of pages:175 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94142 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11645769 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:An insight into the state of oral performances of preschool teachers and primary education teachers
The master's thesis focuses on the area of educators’ oral performances - pre-school teachers’ (pre-school education) and teachers’ (primary education) oral performances. The awareness of importance of this activity for educational process importantly influences the quality of oral performances in practice, therefore the awareness in this area and assessment of the progress is significant. The theoretical part presents a concept of the public appearance and implementing the concept into the educational process. Further on, it defines oral performance by using elements of rhetoric and linguistics, describes evaluation criteria of oral performance as well as numerical-descriptive assessment scale for assessing pre-school teachers’ and teachers’ oral performances. In the empirical part of the research, we came to conclusion that pre-school teachers and primary school teachers are aware that highly developed skills of oral performance are important; yet, they are not as developed as one would wish. Participants involved in the research are very attentive to their speech rhythm and speaking pace, whereas pre-school teachers also put stress on the elements of non-verbal communication. The assessment based on the numerical-descriptive assessment scale confirms the findings. By using the assessment scale, we found out that during oral performance primary school teachers produce grammatically well-formed texts more compared to pre-school teachers. The participants evaluated some areas of oral performance worse than are represented in practice and some better; thus, there are some deviations shown between self-assessment and assessment based on the numerical-descriptive assessment scales, especially in the area of reasonable usage of non-verbal communication.

Keywords:speech skill, teacher, primary education, govorna sposobnost, učitelj, osnovnošolski pouk

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