
Številske in prostorske predstave pri učencih z gibalno oviranostjo in lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju
ID Vidmar, Anja (Avtor), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4555/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Matematika pomembno vpliva na posameznikovo uspešnost in zadovoljstvo na šolskem in življenjskem področju. Številske in prostorske predstave so ključnega pomena za uspešno obvladovanje matematike. Če so te predstave slabše razvite, to predstavlja eno izmed najpomembnejših ovir pri doseganju uspeha na matematičnem področju. Učenci z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju so že v izhodišču vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa v slabšem položaju, saj počasneje usvajajo šolska znanja, zato je pri njih lahko razvoj številskih in prostorskih predstav upočasnjen in potrebujejo za pridobivanje teh predstav bistveno več časa. Sopojavljanje gibalne oviranosti lahko predstavlja dodatno oviro pri razvoju omenjenih predstav, saj kognitivni in gibalni razvoj človeka potekata vzporedno in soodvisno. Oviran gibalni razvoj tako lahko vpliva na različna kognitivna področja, tudi na področje številskih in prostorskih predstav. Učenci z gibalno oviranostjo imajo namreč bistveno manj izkušenj na matematičnem področju, ob gibalni oviranosti pa se lahko pojavljajo razni primanjkljaji na področju senzorike, orientacije, prostorske zaznave, pozornosti, pomnjenja ipd. Raziskave, ki preučujejo vpliv gibalne oviranosti na razvitost številskih in prostorskih predstav pri učencih z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju, so izjemno pomanjkljive. V magistrskem delu, ki zajema vzorec 44 učencev 2. in 3. razreda prilagojenega izobraževalnega programa z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom (prvi vzorec sestavlja 22 učencev z gibalno oviranostjo, drugi vzorec pa 22 učencev brez gibalne oviranosti), so predstavljene razlike glede razvitosti številskih in prostorskih predstav med učenci z gibalno oviranostjo in lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju ter med učenci brez gibalne oviranosti z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju. Predstavljen je tudi vpliv različnih dejavnikov (stopnje gibalne oviranosti, spola, razreda, pridruženosti dodatnih motenj, vključenosti v terapije) na razvitost številskih in prostorskih predstav. Opazovane so bile tudi razlike v rabi strategij štetja in računanja med enim in drugim vzorcem. Razvitost številskih in prostorskih predstav je bila merjena s testom znanja. Za obdelavo rezultatov so bile uporabljene naslednje statistične metode (opisna statistika, t-test za preverjanje statistično značilnih razlik med dvema neodvisnima vzorcema, Mann-Whitneyjev U-test ter Kruskal-Wallisov test). Rezultati so pokazali, da gibalna oviranost statistično značilno vpliva na razvoj številskih in prostorskih predstav, saj so učenci z gibalno oviranostjo na testu, ki meri razvitost številskih in prostorskih predstav, dosegli bistveno nižje rezultate kot učenci brez gibalne oviranosti. Stopnja gibalne oviranosti se ni izkazala kot statistično značilen dejavnik razvitosti številskih in prostorskih predstav, prav tako ne spol. Vključenost v razred se je izkazala kot statistično značilen dejavnik samo znotraj vzorca učencev brez gibalne oviranosti, prav tako pridružene motnje. Izkazalo se je tudi, da tisti učenci, ki niso vključeni v terapije, dosegajo statistično značilno boljše rezultate na testu, ki meri razvitost številskih in prostorskih predstav. Prav tako so se pokazale razlike v rabi strategij štetja in računanja med obema vzorcema, statistično značilne razlike pa obstajajo pri rabi strategij preštevanja predmetov ter pri rabi strategij seštevanja, v prid učencem brez gibalne oviranosti. Glede na rezultate so v magistrskem delu zbrana priporočila ter splošne in specifične strategije za pomoč strokovnim delavcem pri razvijanju številskih in prostorskih predstav pri učencih z gibalno oviranostjo in lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:številske in prostorske predstave
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-93025 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:11639369 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:24.08.2017
Število ogledov:7273
Število prenosov:314
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Numerical and spatial cognition of students with physical disabilities and mild intellectual disabilities
Mathematics has an important effect on an individual's successfulness and satisfaction in the field of education and life. Numerical and spatial cognition are of crucial importance to successfully master mathematics. If this kind of cognition is poorly developed, it represents one of the most important obstacles to achieving success in the field of mathematics. Students with mild intellectual disabilities are in a worse position already at the starting point of the educational process, as they acquire school knowledge more slowly. Therefore, their development of numerical and spatial cognition can be decelerated and they need a lot more time to acquire this kind of cognition. Co-occurrence of physical disabilities can represent an additional obstacle to the development of the above-mentioned cognition because the cognitive and motor development of an individual happen in parallel and have a codependent relationship. Impaired motor development can thus affect different cognitive fields, also the field of numerical and spatial cognition. Namely, students with physical disabilities have significantly less experience in the field of mathematics, and beside the physical disabilities, there can occur various deficits in the field of sensory processing, orientation, spatial perception, attention, memory, etc. The researches that study the effect of physical disabilities on the development of numerical and spatial cognition in students with mild intellectual disabilities are especially insufficient. In the master's thesis that includes a sample of 44 students in 2nd and 3rd grade of adapted education program with lower education standard (the first sample consists of 22 students with physical disabilities and the second sample includes 22 students without physical disabilities), there are presented the differences regarding the development of numerical and spatial cognition between students with physical disabilities and mild intellectual disabilities, and students without physical disabilities with mild intellectual disabilities. There is also presented the effect of different factors (level of physical disabilities, gender, grade, presence of other disabilities, participation in therapies) on the development of numerical and spatial cognition. Also the differences in the use of strategies for counting and calculation between both samples were observed. The development of numerical and spatial cognition was measured with a knowledge test. For the processing of the results, the following statistical methods were used (descriptive statistics, t-test for testing statistically significant differences between two independent samples, Mann-Whitney U Test and Kruskal-Wallis test). The results have shown that physical disabilities statistically significantly affect the development of numerical and spatial cognition because the results of the students with physical disabilities in the test that examines the development of numerical and spatial cognition were essentially lower than those of the students without physical disabilities. Neither the level of physical disability nor gender have not turned out to be statistically significant factors for the development of numerical and spatial cognition. The inclusion in the classroom and the occurrence of other disabilities have proved to be statistically significant factors only within the sample of the students without physical disabilities. It has also turned out that the students who do not participate in therapies achieve statistically significantly better results in the test that examines the development of numerical and spatial cognition. Besides, differences in the use of strategies for counting and calculation between both samples have been proved, and some statistically significant differences exist in the use of strategies for counting objects and in the use of strategies for addition, being in favour of students without physical disabilities. According to the results, recommendations and general and specific strategies are collected in the master’s thesis in order to help professional workers with the development of numerical and spatial cognition in students with physical disabilities and mild intellectual disabilities.

Ključne besede:numerical and spatial cognition

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