Today, many people decide for recreational sport activities that help them to relax, forget about day-to-day stress, maintain of improve their physical fintess, take care of helth, and spend time with others. One of these is fitness that has become a popular activity in recent years, mainly due to it's flexibility to the individual.
I work as an instructor of fitness classes, and I often deal with the questions of the first impression. I think aboust how other people see me, and what are the factors and characteristics they observe or are mort bothered by. The wider purpose of this academic work is therefore to explore the exercises and thus improve my work. In this way I will get information that will benefit me so that I can get even closer to people and improve the quality of my classes. There are may trainers in Slovenia, but few who can connect with people, listen to them and take into account theis preferences. Therefore people who visit lessons quickly fluctuate. We rarely see a group of people who visit classes regullarly and feel relaxed. In this case, the problem is not in people visiting lessons, but in the trainer, as this proves to him that his approach is wrong. I want as few moments of this kind as possible, so I decide to explore this area and therefore make it easier for me to work and improve my realitonship with those who visit my classes.
On the basis of 150 completed questionnaires we found out what are the characteristics of the fitness trainer, which have the greatest significance in forming the fist impression – so what makes the trainer different and better than the others in the first few seconds. The results also showed what are the characteristics that people are most bothered and repelled by.
The results of the research showed that there are differences in the perception of the fitness trainer according to gender, education, place of residence, type of training, activity in the past, age and frequency of engaging in sport.